Glossary of Qur’an-Related Terms
- Names of Surahs
- Ishmâm
- Al-Imâlah
- Al-Juz’
- Al-Hurûf Al-Muqatta‘ah
- Hizb
- ‘Uthmanic Calligraphy
- Ar-Rukû‘
- The Seven Long Surahs
- The Prostration for
- Vowelization
- Pause Marks
- Methods of Recitation
- The Well-Known
Methods of Recitation
- Al-Mu‘anaqah
- Al-Mu‘awwidhatân
- Al-Mufassal
- Al-Manzil
- The Compulsory Pause
Names of Surahs: the
names of the Surahs of the Glorious Qur’an are well known. However,
we mention here some Surahs which have more than one name:
- At-Taubah: it is also called “Bara’ah”
- Al-Isra’: it is also called “Bani Isra’il”
- Fatir: it is also called “Al-Mala’ikah”
- Ghafir: it is also called “Al-Mu’min”
- Fussilat: it is also called “Ha Mim As-Sajdah”
- Al-Insan: it is also called “Ad-Dahr”
Ishmâm: means
merging the two lips like the state of pronouncing Dammah [i.e.
the short vowel (u)] without any noticeable effect of this in
pronunciation. Ishmâm does not occur amidst a single word in
the method of recitation according to Hafs except in the word
Ta’manna «
تأمنا» [i.e. trust us] in the
following verse from Surat Yusuf. Allah [Exalted and Sublime
be He] said: -Why do you not trust us with Yûsuf (Joseph) though
we are indeed his well-wishers? (12:11)
The two lips are rounded when pronouncing the doubled Nûn
as a sign of the assimilation of the Dammah [i.e. the short
vowel (u)] of the first Nûn with the second Nûn, as the word
‘Ta’manna’ «تأمنا» was originally ‘Ta’manuna’ «تأمننا
». The sign of Ishmâm is to put a certain centre-effaced
point (
) above
the last part of the letter Mîm, a little bit before the doubled
Nûn. Thus, the word Ta’mannah «تأمنا »
is written in this way (
Ishmâm made before a pause is to round the two lips
when pronouncing the letter having Dammah at which the
pause is made. An example of this kind of Ishmam is found
in the word «
نستعين » (nasta’în)
(we ask for help) in this verse from Surat Al-Fatihah. Allah
[Exalted and Sublime be He] said:
إياك نعبد وإياك نستعين
Iyyaka na‘budu wa iyyaka nasta‘în
“You (Alone) we worship, and You (Alone) we ask for help
(for each and everything).” (1:5)
The “Nun” itself becomes vowelless due to the case of pause.
it is to pronounce Fathah [i.e. the short vowel point
(a)] little bit like Kasrah [i.e. the short vowel (i)]
and to pronounce Alif little bit like Yâ’ without
the complete substitution of Fathah with Kasrah
or of Alif with Yâ’. This is the sheer Imâlah
and it is also called Idjâ‘. The only word read with
Imâlah according to the Hafs-‘Asim’s method of recitation
is {
مجريها } (majriha) (its
moving course), in verse no. (41)of Surat Hûd. {
وَقَالَ ارْكَبُوا فِيهَا بِسْمِ اللَّهِ مَجْرَاهَا وَمُرْسَاهَا
إِنَّ رَبِّي لَغَفُورٌ رَحِيمٌ } Allah [Exalted and
Sublime be He] said: { And he [Nûh (Noah) (صلى الله عليه وسلم)]
said: “Embark therein: in the Name of Allâh will be its (moving)
course and its (resting) anchorage. Surely, my Lord is Oft-Forgiving,
Most Merciful.” } (11:41) In this verse the Fathah upon
the letter Râ’ is inclined to Kasrah and the letter
Alif is inclined to the letter Yâ’. The sign referring
to this phenomenon is to put a point in the form of an emptied
diamond under the letter Râ’ like this: (
Pause Marks.
Al-Juz’ (The
Part): the Glorious Qur’an is divided into thirty parts
nearly equal in size. In order to facilitate its recitation
once each month, each part is also divided into two sections.
Following are the beginnings of the thirty parts of the Glorious
- Al-Fatihah
- { The fools among the people (pagans, hypocrites, and
Jews) will say, What has turned them (Muslims) from their
Qiblah [prayer direction (towards Jerusalem)] which they
used to face in prayer... } (2:142)
- { Those Messengers! We preferred some of them to others,...
} (2:253)
- { All food was lawful to the Children of Israel, except
what Israel made unlawful for himself before the Taurât
(Torah) was revealed... } (3:93)
According to some scholars, this part starts from the preceding
verse { By no means shall you attain Al-Birr (piety,
righteousness - here it means Allâh's Reward, i.e. Paradise),
unless you spend (in Allâh's Cause) of that which you love;
} (3:92)
- { Also (forbidden are) women who are already married,
except those (slaves) whom your right hands possess. } (4:24)
- { Allâh does not like that the evil should be uttered
in public except by him who has been wronged. } (4:148)
- { Verily, you will find the strongest among men in enmity
to the believers (Muslims) to be the Jews and those who
are Al-Mushrikûn (pagans) } (5:82)
According to some scholars, this part begins with the following
verse { And when they (who call themselves Christians) listen
to what has been sent down to the Messenger (Muhammad (صلى
الله عليه وسلم)) you see their eyes overflowing with tears
because of the truth they have recognised.} (5:83)
- { And even if We had sent down unto them angels, and
the dead had spoken unto them,... } (6:111)
- { The chiefs, the arrogant party among his people said...}
- { And know that whatever of war-booty that you may gain,...
} (8:41)
- { The blame is only against those who are rich, and
yet ask for leave... } (9:93)but according to some scholars
this part starts from the following verse { They (the hypocrites)
will present their excuses to you (Muslims), when you return
to them. } (9:94)
- { And no moving (living) creature is there on earth
but its provision is due from Allâh. And He knows its dwelling
place and its deposit (in the uterus, grave). } (11:6)
- { And I free not myself (from the blame). Verily, the
(human) self is inclined to evil, except when my Lord bestows
His Mercy (upon whom He wills). } (12:53)
- { Alif-Lâm-Râ. These are Verses of the Book and
a plain Qur’ân. } (15:1) According to some scholars, this
part starts with the subsequent verse { How much would those
who disbelieved wish that they had been Muslims [those who
have submitted themselves to Allâh’s Will in Islâm i.e.
Islâmic Monotheism - this will be on the Day of Resurrection
when they will see the disbelievers going to Hell and the
Muslims going to Paradise]. } (15:2)
- { Glorified (and Exalted) is He (Allâh) [above all that
(evil) they associate with Him] Who took His slave (Muhammad
(صلى الله عليه وسلم)) for a journey by night from Al-Masjid-al-Harâm
(at Makkah) to Al-Masjid-al-Aqsâ (in Jerusalem), } (17:1)
- { (Khidr) said: “Did I not tell you that you can have
no patience with me? } (18:75)
- { Draws near for mankind their reckoning, while they
turn away in heedlessness. } (21:1)
- { Successful indeed are the believers. } (23:1)
- { And those who expect not a meeting with Us (i.e. those
who deny the Day of Resurrection and the life of the Hereafter),
said: “Why are not the angels sent down to us, or why do
we not see our Lord? } (25:21)
- { There was no other answer given by his people except
that they said: “Drive out the family of Lût (Lot) from
your city Verily, these are men who want to be clean and
pure! } (27:56) and according to some scholars the part
starts with this verse { (Ask them:) Who created the heavens
and the earth, } (27:60)
- { And argue not with the people of the Scripture (Jews
and Christians), unless it be in (a way) that is better
(with good words and in good manner, inviting them to Islâmic
Monotheism with His Verses), except with such of them as
do wrong; } (29:46) and according to some scholars this
part starts from the preceding verse { Recite (O Muhammad
(صلى الله عليه وسلم)) what has been revealed to you of the
Book (the Qur’ân), and perform As-Salât (Iqamât-as-Salât).
} (29:45)
- { And whosoever of you is obedient to Allâh and His
Messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلم), and does righteous good
deeds, We shall give her, her reward twice over, }(33:31)
- { And We sent not against his people after him a host
from the heaven, nor was it needful for Us to send (such
a thing). } (36:28) and according to some scholars this
part starts from verse 22 in the same Surah { And why should
I not worship Him (Allâh Alone) Who has created me and to
Whom you shall be returned. } (36:22)
- { Then, who does more wrong than one who utters a lie
against Allâh, and denies the truth [this Qur’ân, the Prophet
(Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم)) and the Islâmic Monotheism]
when it comes to him! } (39:32)
- { To Him (Alone) is referred the knowledge of the Hour.
} (41:47)
- { Hâ-Mîm. The revelation of the Book (this Qur'ân)
is from Allâh, the All-Mighty, the All-Wise. } (46:1,2)
- { [Ibrâhîm (Abraham)] said: “Then for what purpose you
have come, O Messengers? } (51:31)
- { Indeed Allâh has heard the statement of her (Khaulah
bint Tha‘labah) that disputes with you (O Muhammad (صلى
الله عليه وسلم)) concerning her husband (Aus bin As-Sâmit),
} (58:1)
- { Blessed be He in Whose Hand is the dominion; and He
is Able to do all things. } (67:1)
- { What are they asking (one another) about? } (78:1)
Al-Hurûf Al-Muqatta‘ah
(Separated Letters): they constitute half of the alphabets
with which twenty-nine Surahs of the Glorious Qur’an begin.
Examples of Al-Hurûf Al-Muqatta‘ah are: Alif Lâm Mîm,
Kâf Ha-ya ‘Ain Sâd, Tâha etc. These abbreviations
point out the miraculous style of the Glorious Qur’an, as the
Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) challenged the polytheists
to produce the like of it, but they could not, even though it
(the Glorious Qur'an) consists of the same letters that constitute
their language (Arabic).
Hizb (Section):
it is half of a Juz’ (Part).
‘Uthmanic Calligraphy:
it is a system of writing with which the Mushafs are written,
which is different in some aspects from the conventional method
of writing.
Ar-Rukû‘: in
the Indian sub-continent’s Mushafs the Surahs of the Glorious
Qur’an are divided into parts called “Ruku‘ât”. The
Rukû‘ is a number of verses recommended for reading in
each Rak‘ah of Prayer. The sign for Rukû‘ is the
letter ‘Ain (ع) placed on the right and left margins
of the Mushaf.
The Seven Long Surahs:
they are Al-Baqarah, Al-‘Imran, An-Nisâ’, Al-Ma’idah, Al-An‘âm,
Al-A‘râf, and the seventh is either Al-Anfâl and At-Taubah together
or Yunus.
The Prostration
for Recitation: it is a recommended prostration performed
after reciting or listening to specific verses of the Glorious
Qur’an. These verses are fifteen in number, and they are as
- { Surely, those who are with your Lord (angels) are
never too proud to worship Him, but they glorify His Praise
and prostrate themselves before Him. } (7:206)
- { And unto Allâh (Alone) falls in prostration whoever
is in the heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly,
and so do their shadows in the mornings and late afternoons.
} (13:15)
- { And to Allâh prostate all that is in the heavens and
all that is in the earth, of the moving (living) creatures
and the angels, and they are not proud [i.e. they worship
their Lord (Allâh) with humility]. They fear their Lord
above them, and do what they are commanded to do. } (16:49,50)
- { And they fall down on their faces weeping and it increases
their humility. } (17:109)
- { Those were they unto whom Allâh bestowed His Grace
from among the Prophets, of the offspring of Adam, and of
those whom We carried (in the ship) with Nûh (Noah), and
of the offspring of Ibrâhîm (Abraham) and Israel, and from
among those whom We guided and chose. When the Verses of
the Most Gracious (Allâh) were recited unto them, they fell
down prostrate and weeping. } (19:58)
- { See you not that whoever is in the heavens and whoever
is on the earth, and the sun, and the moon, and the stars,
and the mountains, and the trees, and Ad-Dawâbb[moving
(living) creatures, beasts], and many of mankind prostrate
themselves to Allah. But there are many (men) on whom the
punishment is justified. And whomsoever Allâh disgraces,
none can honour him. Verily! Allâh does what He wills. }
- { O you who have believed! Bow down, and prostrate yourselves,
and worship your Lord and do good that you may be successful.
} (22:77)
- { And when it is said to them: “Prostrate yourselves
to the Most Gracious (Allâh)! They say: “And what is the
Most Gracious? Shall we fall down in prostration to that
which you (O Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم)) command us?
And it only increases in them aversion. } (25:60)
- { [As Shaitân (Satan) has barred them from Allâh's Way]
so they do not prostrate themselves before (worship) Allâh,
Who brings to light what is hidden in the heavens and the
earth, and knows what you conceal and what you reveal. Allâh,
Lâ ilâha illâ Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped
but He), the Lord of the Supreme Throne! } (27:25,26)
- { Only those believe in Our Ayât (proofs, evidences,
verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.), who, when they
are reminded of them, fall down prostrate, and glorify the
Praises of their Lord, and they are not proud. } (32:15)
- { [Dâwûd (David)] said (immediately without listening
to the opponent): “He has wronged you in demanding your
ewe in addition to his ewes. And, verily, many partners
oppress one another, except those who believe and do righteous
deeds, and they are few.” And Dâwûd (David) guessed that
We have tried him and he sought Forgiveness of his Lord,
and he fell down prostrate and turned (to Allâh) in repentance.
} (38:24)
- { And from among His Signs are the night and the day,
the sun and the moon. Prostrate not to the sun nor to the
moon, but prostrate yourself to Allâh Who created them,
if you (really) worship Him. But if they are too proud (to
do so), then those who are with your Lord (angels) glorify
Him night and day, and never are they tired. }(41:37,38)
- { So fall you down in prostration to Allâh, and worship
Him (Alone). } (53:62)
- { And when the Qur'ân is recited to them, they fall
not prostrate. } (84:21)
- { Nay! (O Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم)! Do not obey
him (Abû Jahl). Fall prostrate and draw near to Allâh! }
It is worth noting that the second prostration for recitation
in Surat Al-Hajj and the prostrations for recitation in Surahs
Sad, An-Najm, Al-Inshiqaq and Al-‘Alaq are not unanimously agreed
upon. The character representing the prostration for recitation,
i.e. a mihrab, is placed at the end of the relevant verse, while
the word «سجدة» is written on the margin of the Mushaf.
See Pause Marks.
it is the branch of Qur’anic science with which the vowel marks
placed on the letters [i.e. Fath, Damm, Kasr,
Sukun, Shadd, Madd and other vowels] are
recognised. Vowelization is synonymous with diacritization.
Pause Marks:
they are special marks placed in the Mushaf in order to show
a person who recites the Glorious Qur’an when he can pause and
when he can recite consecutively. There are six types of Pause
Marks as follows:
The Compulsory Pause,
as in the verse (6:36)
The Impermissible Pause,
as in the verse (16:32)
The Permissible Pause
(It is equally permissible to make pause or not), as in the
verse (18:13)
The Permissible Pause
(though continuation is preferable), as in the verse (6:17)
The Permissible Pause
(pause is preferable), as in the verse (18:22)
The Interchangeable Pause,
where two pause marks are found; a reciter may pause on either
of them, but not on the two, as in the verse (2:2)
Methods of Recitation:
they are related to the dissimilarities of the words of
the Glorious Qur’an in terms of pronunciation, performance,
linguistic rules and inflection reported from the Messenger
of Allah (peace be upon him) through a recurrent chain of transmission.
Well-Known Methods of Recitation : are ten; each of
which is attributed to a respected scholar, on behalf of whom
at least two famous narrators reported such a method of recitation.
Following are the names of the well-known Imams of the ten
methods of recitation and their narrators;
- Nafi‘ul-Madani; his narrators are Qalun and Warsh.
- Ibn Kathir Al-Makki; his narrators are Al-Bazi and Qunbul.
- Abu ‘Amr Al-Basri; his narrators are Hafs Ad-Dûriyy
and As-Susi.
- Ibn ‘Amir Ash-Shami; his narrators are Hisham and Ibn
- ‘Asim Al-Kufi; his narrators are Shu‘bah and Hafs.
- Hamzah Al-Kufi; his narrators are Khalaf and Khallad.
- Al-Kisa’i Al-Kufi; his narrators are Abul-Harith and
Hafs Ad-Dûriyy.
- Abu Ja‘far Al-Madani; his narrators are Ibn Wardan and
Ibn Jimaz.
- Ya‘qub Al-Hadrami; his narrators are Ruwais and Ruh.
- Khalaf Al-‘Ashir; his narrators are Ishaq and Idris.
See Pause Marks.
(i.e. Interchangeable Pause):
See Pause Marks.
they are the last two Surahs of the Glorious Qur’an [i.e.
Al-Falaq and An-Nâs]
according to the correct opinion Al-Mufassal is that
part of the Glorious Qur’an starting from Surat Qâf and ending
with Surat An-Nâs. It is divided into three parts;
- Long Surahs of Al-Mufassal: which begin with
Surat Qâf and end with Surat Al-Mursalât.
- Middle-Sized Surahs of Al-Mufassal: which begin
with Surat An-Naba’ and end with Surat Al-Lail.
- Short Surahs of Al-Mufassal: which begin with
Surat Ad-Duha and end with Surat An-Nas.
in the Indian sub-continent the Glorious Qur’an is divided into
seven parts almost equal in length, in order to enable the reciter
to conclude the recitation of the entire Qur’an in one week,
one portion every day. Each part is called Manzil.
Following are the beginning of the seven Manzils:
- The beginning of Surat Al-Fatihah
- The beginning of Surat Al-Ma’idah
- The beginning of Surat Yunus
- The beginning of Surat Al-Israâ’
- The beginning of Surat Ash-Shu‘arâ’
- The beginning of Surat As-Saffât
- The beginning of Surat Qâf
The Compulsory
See Pause Marks.