Contents |
I. Sincerity of Intent | 9 |
II. Elements of Belief and Faith | 13 |
| 1. The Meaning of Belief in Allah | 15 |
| 2. The Meaning of Belief in the Apostle of Allah | 20 |
| 3. The Meaning of Belief in the Qur'an | 27 |
| 4. The Meaning of Belief in Pre-destination Fate | 30 |
| 5. The Meaning of Belief in Life After Death | 34 |
III. Devotional Acts (Worship) | 48 |
| 1. The Importance of Salat Prayer | 48 |
| 2. Congregational Prayer | 54 |
| 3. Leading the Prayer | 58 |
| 4. Zakat | 62 |
| 5. Sadaqah Fitr | 64 |
| 6. Ushr | 65 |
| 7. Fasting | 66 |
| 8. E'tikaf (Seclusion in a Mosque for remembrance of Allah) | 76 |
| 9. Hajj (Pilgrimage to the Sanctum of Makkah) | 77 |
IV. Dealings | 80 |
| 1. Honest Livehood | 80 |
| 2. Trade | 83 |
| 3. Liberality in dealing with Debtor | 89 |
| 4. The Importance of paying debts & Probibition of Evasion & Dilly-Dalling | 92 |
| 5. Usurption and Missappropriation | 94 |
| 6. Farming and Horticulture | 96 |
| 7. Wrongful withholding of surplus water | 97 |
| 8. The Wages of Workers | 97 |
| 9. Unapproved Bequest | 98 |
| 10. Usury or interest | 101 |
| 11. Bribery | 102 |
| 12. Abstinence from Doubtful | 103 |
V. Social Relations | 106 |
| 1. Nikah (Marriage contract or wedlock) | 106 |
| 2. Mahr (Dower) and Waleemah (Marriage Feast) | 110 |
| 3. Obligations to the Parents and Relatives | 113 |
| 4. Obligation to the Wives | 117 |
| 5. Women's Obligation to their Husbands | 122 |
| 6. Rights of the off-spring | 128 |
| 7. The Rights of the Orphans | 136 |
| 8. The Rights of the Guest | 139 |
| 9. The Rights of the Neighbour | 140 |
| 10. The Rights of the Needy and the Indigent | 144 |
| 11. The Rights of the Servants | 147 |
| 12. The Rights of the fellow Traveller | 151 |
| 13. Visit to the Sick | 154 |
| 14. Obligations of non Muslim to another | 156 |
| 15. The Rights of non-Muslim Citizens | 167 |
| 16. The rights of the Animals | 167 |
VI. Moral Evils | 174 |
| 1. Pride | 174 |
| 2. Wrong-Doing (Tyrany and Oppression) | 176 |
| 3. Anger | 179 |
| 4. Mimicry | 182 |
| 5. Gloating over other's Misery | 182 |
| 6. Falsehood: Telling lies and it's practice (falsehood) | 183 |
| 7. Bawdy (Foul-mouthedness) | 187 |
| 8. Double-facedness | 188 |
| 9. Back-Biting or Slander | 189 |
| 10. Wrongful support and partiality | 191 |
| 11. Misplaced (undeserved) prise | 192 |
| 12. False Evidence | 195 |
| 13. Distasteful Jokes, Breach of Promise; Wrangling and Polemics | 196 |
| 14. Fault-Finding | 197 |
| 15. Spreading Rumours | 198 |
| 16. Tale-Bearing | 199 |
| 17. Jelousy | 200 |
| 18. Ogling (Casting Amorous Glances) | 200 |
VII. Moral Excelence | 202 |
| 1. Importance of Moral excellence | 202 |
| 2. Solemnity and Serenity | 203 |
| 3. Simplicity and Cleanliness | 204 |
| 4. Greeting or Salutation | 206 |
| 5. Carefulness in Speech (Guarding the Tongue) | 207 |
VIII. The Call to Faith | 209 |
| 1. What is the Prophet Called to? | 209 |
| 2. Faith as a Political System | 213 |
| 3. Formation of Jama'at (Party) | 218 |
| 4. The Nature Relationship between Ameer (leader) and Ma'mur (led) | 220 |
| 5. Love of Truth, Aversion to Evil, Enjoining Good & Forbiding Evil | 229 |
| 6. Preaching withour precept | 234 |
| 7. Acquisation of Knowledge of Faith | 238 |
| 8. Important Principles of the call to Faith | 240 |
| 9. Glad Tiding to those Engaged in Serving the Faith | 245 |
IX. Reqisite Qualities for Serving the Faith | 248 |
| 1. Thankfullness | 248 |
| 2. Modesty | 255 |
| 3. Patience and Perservence | 256 |
| 4. Trust in Allah (Tawakkul) | 261 |
| 5. Repentance and Seeking Forgiveness | 263 |
| 6. Love of Mankind | 267 |
| 7. Sincerity of Deeds | 271 |
X. Means of Reformation & Trading | 273 |
| 1. Remembrance of the Divine Attributes | 273 |
| 2. Lack of interest in the Empheral and Enxity for the Eternal | 276 |
| 3. Recitation and Contemplation of the Qur'an | 288 |
| 4. Supererogatory prayers and late night Prayer (Tahajjud) | 291 |
| 5. Infa'q (Spending in the way of Allah) | 295 |
| 6. Remembrance and Supplication | 298 |
| 7. From the lives of the Prophet & his Companions | 306 |
| (1) Devotional Acts | 306 |
| (2) Mode of Teaching | 307 |
| (3) Affection for Mankind | 310 |
| (4) In the way of the Establishment of the Divine Order | 315 |
| 8. Some facts from the lives of Holy Companions: Thoughtfullness about the Accountability Hereafter, Devotional Acts, Chariable Acts, Austerity & Sacrifices in Striving in the way of Allah | 319 |
| 9. Anxiety for Doomsday | 329 |