All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify
that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that
Muhammad is His slave and Messenger, may Allaah exalt his
mention as well as that of his family and all his companions.
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|[O My Child! You've Become an Adult]|
|{Question and Answer Related to Teenagers}|
|{By Mohammed A. Addawish
Translated by
Dr. Abdulrahman Aljamhoor
Abdulkareem Anujaaidi }|
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|[Publisher's Note]|
Islam is the religion chosen by Allah to save mankind from the
deadly Satanic tricks. It is the divine candle bestowed by Him upon
people to guide them among the stumbles of life. Thereby It purifies
their souls allowing them to comprehend the fact that they have
been created for one sacred duty: to worship Allah
Understanding that millions of Muslims are deprived of getting
Islamic knowledge available in Arabic because they are non-Arabs, a
center of translation became a pressing need. Being blessed with
Allah's help, we could achieve such a sublime goal. And we hope
that our effort results in contributing to the Islamic propagation
The goal of the center of translation is to make use of translation as
a means of d'awa. Our task is to provide non-Arab Muslims, as well
as truth seekers, with Islamic materials of a high level of
authenticity. Thus, they may get a better understanding of Islam.
May Allah help us accomplish our duty successfully
Abdulrahman Aljamhoor
- - - - -
This work is the result of the collaboration between Muslim brothers
who have a mutual interest in making such a book available in the
English language. Our goal is to serve a long-standing need on the
part of Muslim youth in Western societies where the younger
generations have been rent asunder by the overt disregard and
abandonment of moral values and ideals on a very broad scale
On the one hand, the book has been particularly selected due to its
concise, yet thorough treatment of the subject, and on the other
because of its interactive dialogue format, which makes real the
expression of positive parental response to the legitimate concerns
of young people on the verge of becoming adults
The communicative approach to translation has been adopted since
it attempts to produce an effect on the readers of the target
language translation equivalent to the effect the source language
text has had on its readers. This is carried out through the study of
the active interaction between form and content
We ask Allah to bless this effort, and make it of benefit to those who
read it. May it be a continuing source of accumulating good deeds
for us after we are returned to our Creator. And peace and blessings
be upon our beloved Prophet, his progeny and companions, and all
who follow them in righteousness until the Day of Resurrection.
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|[Table of Contents]|
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Verily, all praise is due to Allah . We praise Him, ask Him for
assistance, and ask His forgiveness. We seek refuge with Allah from
the evil within ourselves and from the grave consequences of our
actions. Whomever Allah guides will never go astray, and whomever
Allah sends astray will never be guided. I testify that none has the
right to be worshipped but Allah and I testify that Muhammad is the
servant of Allah and His Messenger
At one time, we all were children and we frequently asked such
questions as: when would we become adults? What is the turning
point between childhood and adulthood? When is one considered a
child, and when is one considered an adult
Puberty marks the stage of religious obligation, which is the turning
point from childhood to adulthood. When a person reaches puberty,
he bids farewell to childhood, and leaves behind its affairs. The
stage of puberty is characterized by various physical, mental and
psychological changes. These changes do not always occur
simultaneously. The remarkable increase in growth rate and the
alteration of the voice quality and other physical signs may occur;
all for a purpose known only to Allah. This period also witnesses
changes in reasoning patterns and emotions
All these changes prepare one to enter a new stage and begin a
new type of life. This is because Allah has created mankind to
worship Him; and to do so in the most perfect manner will certainly
shed some light on the wisdom behind creation. At this stage,
religious obligation begins and one becomes responsible for his
At this stage, boys and girls encounter a new world, and they
usually have many questions in mind. However, the answers to
these questions are not readily available because specialized books
dealing with such a sensitive issue as puberty from a religious
perspective are rare. Besides, when childhood shyness persists, it
- - - - -
often stands as a barrier to asking questions of a sensitive nature
For these reasons, I have written this book hoping that it may
introduce young youth to the stage of puberty. It is presented in the
form of a dialogue between a father and his son to emphasize the
important role played by the parents in educating their children,
especially at this transitional stage
A writer is likely to face many difficulties when addressing his work
to a generation younger than his own. He may not be able to
choose the words most appropriate for this sector of audience; he
may also over-emphasize a point, which is already clear to them, or
he may oversimplify points that require deeper analysis
However, I have put forth my best effort in this work, drawing upon
my adulthood experiences as well as those deriving from my
present career as a teacher. I have already read many books and
articles on the topics discussed and I hope that these varied sources
would have helped me to overcome many of the difficulties
previously mentioned
It is Allah Who provides success in all matters. Peace and blessings
of Allah be upon His Messenger, and all who follow his guidance
Mohammed Abdullah Addawish
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|[The Age of Religious Obligation]|
{{Q : Dad, we agreed yesterday to discuss, from an Islamic
point of view, the issue of religious obligation and puberty. I
think it is very important to define accurately the beginning
of such a stage that marks someone's entry into maturity
and legal responsibility in Islam }}
A: Yes, this is central to our discussion of this period of life. We
need to specify the age of religious obligation and puberty before
speaking about any other issue. Since puberty represents legal
obligation and responsibility in Islam, Islamic Shari 'ah (body of
laws) mentions certain clear indications which mark the beginning of
this period in order not to be confused with other subsequent stages
Some of these signs are common to both sexes while others are
peculiar to either sex. One of the common signs of puberty is the
growing of pubic hair around the private parts (genitals). Boys are
characterized by the excretion of sperms (seminal fluid) while girls
are characterized by having menses, commonly known as 'period
Since all these indications are crystal clear, boys and girls do not
have to wait for all the other indications to take place if they can
notice or feel one of them. If one of these indications, becomes
apparent, the boy or the girl is considered 'mature', legally speaking
{{Q : Dad, would you kindly remind me of some of the
rulings concerning the excretion of sperms? }}
A: This is an important question, my son. When many young people
reach puberty, they become surprised at such cases of excreting
sperms whose rulings and details are not known to them
Sometimes, they feel embarrassed to ask about these things, which
may lead to committing legal mistakes with no valid excuse.
Instead, they should find a teacher or a learned person to ask
You should know, my son, that what is excreted due to sexual
desire is of two kinds
- - - - -
1-Madhiyy (pre-seminal fluid) is a transparent substance produced
on fondling and sexual longing. This substance is not ritually pure.
One must clean his genitals and do ablutions, but no shower is
2-Maniyy (semen) is a thick white substance, which is ejaculated
after an orgasm. This is ritually impure. And so, it is obligatory to
take a shower to remove the ritual impurity
If semen is deliberately excreted by a fasting Muslim, his fasting is
null. However, his fasting is valid if semen comes out
unintentionally or during sleep
{{Q : Dad, some young students become in a state of ritual impurity
when they are at school, however, they would perform the Thuhr
(noon) prayer (or whatever obligatory prayer) without purifying
themselves }}
A: This is something serious and dangerous, my son. A Muslim is not
allowed to pray while he is in a state of ritual impurity. Shyness
should not prevent him from asking for permission to go home. If
he is not allowed to go home, he ma y postpone the prayer until he
goes back home. Then, he should take a shower and perform the
postponed prayer
{{Q : Now I know the signs that mark the beginning of
religious obligation, so what does religious obligation mean,
dad? }}
A: Before reaching the age of puberty, you were not legally
responsible for anything you did. Now, however, you have reached
the stage of religious obligation, which means you are responsible
for obligatory religious duties: acts of worship. You must consider
personal hygiene; that is, to clean your private organs (genitals)
after you have urinated or evacuated your bowels. You must also
remove ritual impurity in case of discharging semen either in erotic
dreams or sexual intercourse. You must perform prayers regularly
and perfectly and observe fasting during the month of Ramadan.
- - - - -
You must perform Hajj when you can afford it, fight in the cause of
Allah and enjoin good and forbid evil.
You are responsible now for your sins and wrong doings such as
telling lies, backbiting, slandering, Undutifulness to parents, looking
boldly at women except one's mother, sister, wife, and aunt, etc.
Whenever you commit an unlawful act, it will be in your record and
you will receive a punishment for it in the Hereafter except if you
{{Q : I underst and this very well now, but if a young man is
raised by an impious father who disobeys Allah's
commandments, can this be an excuse for him? }}
A: No, my son, it cannot be an excuse for him since he is now
responsible for his deeds. Neither his father nor anybody else will
bear responsibility for his sins. If your father orders you to do
unlawful things and prevents you from doing good, you are allowed
not to listen to him. If you follow his instructions, you will bear the
sin yourself, and he will bear nothing for you. Of course, he may be
punished for encouraging you to commit these sins, for the Prophet
salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam is reported to have said: "Whoever
calls people to sins will have the same punishment as those who
follow his call without any diminution in the punishment of the
sinners." [Sahih Muslim]
{{Q : Does this mean that a young man whose parents do not
wake him up for Fajr (dawn) prayer is not excused by Allah? }}
A: Of course, my son, he has to bear the responsibility himself and ask
his parents or someone else to wake him up. If he cannot find
someone to wake him up, he, should set an alarm clock, or ask one
of his friends to give him a telephone call at the time of the prayer
{{Q : But, some young people claim that one is not responsible
for hi s deeds if he is asleep. Is this true? }}
A: This can be true if someone has done everything in order to wake
up at the time of the prayer, like going to bed early enough, having
- - - - -
asked someone to wake him up. Also, if he has overslept, he would
be excused. This actually happens in very rare cases. However, if he
develops such a habit and the number of days on which he
oversleeps outnumbers the number of days on which he wakes up
for the prayer, it is an evidence of his carelessness and indifference
{{Q : I've got what you said, but some young people still claim
that they are too young to observe obligatory duties. What
do you say to this? }}
A: You know very well that Allah has created you, and He knows
your capabilities, lusts, and desires more than you do. Allah says in
the Noble Qur'an: "Should not He Who created know? And He is the
Most Kind and Courteous (to His slaves) All-Aware (of everything)."
And it is He Who has chosen this stage of your life to be the
beginning of bearing responsibility. This means that you can
observe obligatory duties. It also means that you are able to abstain
from whatever Allah has forbidden
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|[Religious Obligation and Legal Rulings]|
{{Q : Has Islamic Fiqh (jurisprudence) set certain rulings on
reaching the age after which a young man is re garded as a
grown up other than those we have already mentioned? }}
A: Yes. When a young man reaches the age of religious obligation,
he is responsible for all the rulings that apply to his elder peers
without exception. Here are some of the rulings concerning this
1-If he is an orphan, he becomes entitled to his own property, and
so, the classification 'orphan' does not apply to him any longer. If a
child inherits a sum of money, he would not be given the money
until he becomes legally major. Only then, is he put to test to verify
his discretion, If he proves to be discreet enough to handle his own
money, it will be given to him. Allah says in the Noble Qur'an: (And
let orphans (as regards their intelligence) until they reach the age of
marriage; if then you find sound judgement in them, release their
property to them)
2-Unlike a child, if a Muslim adult commits a major crime such as
robbery, murder, adultery, etc., he receives the prescribed
3-His testimony before a court of law is valid and so legal verdicts
can be based on it. If he testifies that he has seen the crescent
marking the beginning of Ramadan, the month of fasting, his
testimony will be taken into account, and Muslims will begin their
{{Q : How did the prophet ( salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) deal
with young people who had just reached puberty? }}
A: This is a very good question. The Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa
sallam) treated young men as full -fledged members of the Islamic
society. As for Jihad (fighting in the cause of Allah) where there was
killing and blood-shed that cannot be tolerated except by strong
men, he used to allow young fighters who showed signs of fortitude
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to join the army. The Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) used
to inspect the army and exclude very young men who had not
reached puberty.
Puberty was then the criterion for discretion. Ibn Umar said: "the
Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) saw me on the day of Uhud
when I was fourteen years old and set me aside. But when he saw
me on the day of Khandaq (I was fifteen years old then) he allowed
me to join the army
Imam Al-Shafi'iyy said: " The Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa
sallam) did not allow seventeen young people, who were only
fourteen years old, to participate in the battle beca use he noticed
that they did not reach puberty. A year later, the Prophet (salla
Allahu alayhi wa sallam) allowed them to join the Jihad troops
{{Q : Has the age of religious obligation got any effect on
dealings with the disbelievers? I mean, is there any
difference between adult disbelievers and young ones? }}
A: Yes. If Muslims defeat a group of disbelievers and take someone
as a captive, he will be treated as a man if he has already reached
puberty (i.e. it is permissible to kill him, keep him as a slave, or set
him free). However, it is not permissible to kill someone who has
not reached puberty
{{Q : But what is the fate of young disbelievers who may be
killed in the battle? }}
A: Their fate is the same as that of adult disbelievers; they all
deserve Hellfire. This was what the Prophet did with Bani Quraidah
(a Jewish tribe). When they submitted to the Prophet's judgement
after the battle, he asked one of his companions, Sa'd Ibn Mu'athe
to act as a judge in their case (according to Islamic Jurisprudence).
All those who participated in the battle were sentenced to death.
The Prophet commented on the verdict by saying: "It is in
accordance with what Allah has ordained.
So, those people lived with their Jewish parents, and were brought
- - - - -
up by them, but they were not excused by Allah. And since they
fought against Muslims they were responsible for what they did
{{Q : Is there anything else that applies to adults, but not to
young people in dealing with disbelievers? }}
A: Yes. When Muslims fight the People of the Scr ipture (Jews and
Christians), they give them the liberty of either becoming Muslims,
or keeping their religion on condition that they would pay Jizya
(tribute). Allah says in the Noble Qur'an: "Fight against those who
believe not in Allah, nor in the Last Day, nor forbid that which has
been forbidden by Allah and his Messenger and those who
acknowledge not the religion of truth (i.e. Islam) among the people
of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), until they pay the Jizya with
willing submission, and feel themselves subdued "
This Jizya is only taken from adult disbelievers. Sa'd Ibn Mu'athe
narrated that the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) sent him
to Yemen and ordered him to take from every adult disbeliever one
dinar (the type of currency used then) or its equivalent in clothes or
beasts of cattle
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|[Reconsider Your Life ]|
{{Q : What is the first piece of advice you would like to give to a
person who has just reached puberty? }}
A: You have to compare your present life with your past one. Much
of what used to be acceptable is no longer so now. Start with your
worship of Allah. The fundamental act of worship is prayer as the
Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) is reported to have said:
"The first thing about which a person will be questioned on the Day
of Judgement is his prayer. If his prayer is found to be valid and
sufficient, he will be considered a winner of Allah's reward. If there
is some sort of deficiency in his prayer, he will be a loser. If
shortcomings are found in his obligatory prayers, Allah will say: 'See
if my servant has got some voluntary prayers in his record that may
make up for the shortcomings in his obligatory prayers."' [Sahih Al-
If I ask you to pay great attention to obligatory prayer, this does
not mean that I am acc using you of abandoning prayers
completely. But, I am rather concerned about your performance. Do
you perform your prayers with "due submission to Allah ? Do you
perform them with tranquility (in bowing and prostrating)? Do you
observe all their moral characteristics?
Then look at your relationship with your parents, and how much you
take care of them Allah has associated their rights with His
Again the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) regarded
ingratitude to parents as equivalent to committing major sins. Anas
said that when Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) was asked
about the major sins, he said: "Associating partners with Allah in
worship, ingratitude to one's parents, killing innocent souls, and
giving a false testimony
Curb your tongue, Lower your gaze, and watch out for your other
senses. Then, carefully select your friends
What I am trying to say is that you have said farewell to that stage
- - - - -
of your life and become a man in the full sense of the word. Your
ambition and aspiration should not be confined to this life, but
rather transcend it to the Hereafter. So you need to sit down and
think a lot about yourself. Try to repair what you have impaired,
and which does not please your Lord and Creator
{{Q : But some young people say, "En joy your youth and there
will always be a time to make up for your carelessness when
you are old." What do you think? }}
A: This logic is very far away from the truth for the following reasons
1-Real enjoyment is manifested in the worship of Allah and in the
observance of His commandments. Unfortunately, those who turn
away from their Lord do not realize this fact
2-Youth is the stage that should be utilized in righteous deeds. The
Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) told us that on the Day of
Judgement when the situation becomes so horrible and frightening
and when the scorching sun blazes down upon the swarming
masses of people, Allah favors a group of His worshippers by placing
them under His shade. This group includes "a young man who has
spent his youth in the worship and obedience of Allah.
Therefore, it is not possible to compare the transient worldly
pleasures with everlasting bliss and joy
3-Everyone is going to be asked certain questions on the Day of
Judgement. One of these questions will be about the way one has
spent his youth. How do you think heedless and playful people
would answer?
4-Youth is a period of energy, activity, and vitality. Once this period
is over, one starts to deteriorate and become weaker and weaker.
Allah says in the Noble Qur'an : "Allah is He who created you in (a
state of) weakness then gave you strength after weakness, then
after strength gave (you) weakness and grey hair. He creates what
he wills. And it is He who is the All-Omniscient. And the All-
- - - - -
Will a sane person say: "I would delay obedience and worship of my
Lord until old age?
Now, let me ask you this question: who can guarantee that he will
live until he makes old bones. One may die while he is still young!
However, if he were guaranteed to live a very long life, would
repentance in old age be guaranteed?
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|[Cut off in their Prime]|
{{Q : Yes, dad, this is something that most people forget. Would
you give me some examples of people who died very young? }}
A: Yes, my son. Omair Ibn Abi Waqqas was only sixteen years old
when he fell in action in the battle of Badr together with a number
of other young martyrs including Harithah Ibn Al-Nu'man and
Mu'athe Ibn Al-Harith
As for contemporary examples, I know some of them. Three young
secondary school students -may Allah have mercy upon their souls
-died at about the same age. One of them asked me a week before
he died: "If someone died and his burial was delayed, would he be
asked about his Lord, religion, and Prophet?" I told him, "O my son,
what should co ncern you is that you will be certainly asked after
your death, no matter how and when, and it is important to get
ready for such a moment." Neither he nor I had thought that it was
only a few days before he would be put in that situation. The other
one was a very intelligent and energetic young man. All people
around him had great hope in his future. He sat for the final exam
of his secondary school and died before getting the results. The
third one had already got his university degree and was looking for
a job in order to start a career and so would be able to get married.
He was coming back from Makkah after performing Umrah (minor
pilgrimage) when he died in an accident a few miles away from his
I knew two other righteous young people. One of them attended the
university for one week, and the other was about to finish his
- - - - -
Master's degree. They both died when they were coming home from
the sacred city of Makkah
The images of those righteous young people are still present in my
mind. May Allah bestow His mercy on their souls
They might have been thinking of the future, and their parents
might have had great expectations about them in this life. However,
they were gone for good
{{Q : Has it ever occurred to anyone that he can escape death? }}
A: It is enough to listen to this example. A young man who
belonged to a righteous family took the vicious way of drugs. He
started to deteriorate until one day when he dropped dead of an
extra dose. He was not quite twenty when he died. May Allah
forgive him. Moreover, many young people die in their prime
nowadays in road accidents and otherwise. Fraternity and
{{Q : Dad, you told me to reconsider my friendships; does this
mean I should live in seclusion and isolation and make
friends with nobody? }}
A: Not at all. I am not asking you to do this, but I am only asking
you to make friends with righteous and upright people. You will find
with them whatever you look for among other people. You will find
enjoyment, pleasure, and dispelling of worries. In add ition, there
will be great heavenly virtues awaiting those who associate with the
pious and the righteous
{{Q : Could you please mention some of these virtues? }}
A: Yes, some of these virtues are
1-A true believer, as the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) is
reported to have said, is going to reunite on the Day of Judgment
with those whom he loves. If he loves righteous people, he will
meet them in Paradise, their eternal abode
2-A pious companion, as the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa
- - - - -
sallam) is reported to have said, is like a perfume -seller. He will
either give you some perfume as a gift, you will buy some off him,
or you will smell the fragrance of his merchandise
3-Allah bestows His grace on those who love each other for His
sake by sheltering them under His shade on the Day of Judgment
when the scorching sun blazes down on the swarming masses of
people, lining their heads with streams of sweat. The Prophet (salla
Allahu alayhi wa sallam) is reported to have said: "Seven types of
people will be sheltered under the shade of Allah on the Day of
Judgment when there will be no other shade except His. These are:
a just ruler; a young man who spends his youth in the worship and
service of Allah ; one whose heart is perpetually attached to the
mosque; two such persons who love each other for the sake of Allah,
they keep company for His sake and part company for his sake; a
man who is seduced into adultery by an attractive woman of
consequences but he declines, saying that he fears Allah ; one who
donates charity without making it known to anybody; and one who
remembers Allah in solitude so that his eyes overflow with tears."
[Sahih Al-Bukhari]
4-Also, those who love one another because of fear from Allah's
Majesty and Magnificence will be granted lighted high seats in
Paradise, and will be an object of admiration by prophets and
5-The relationship between those who love each other for the sake
of Allah will remain unchanged until the Day of Judgment, the day
when one will escape from his father, mother, and children. Allah
says in the Noble Qur'an: (Friends on that Day will be foes, one to
another except Al-Muttaqun (i.e. pious and righteous people who
fear Allah much (abstain from all kinds of sins and evil deeds which
He has forbidden), and love Allah much (perform all kinds of good
deeds which He has ordained.
6-Allah, my son, loves those who love each other for His sake. It
was narrated in the Traditions of the Rightly-Guided Muslims that
- - - - -
Abu Idris Al-Kholani came to Mu'athe and said: "O Mu'athe! I love
you for the sake of Allah." Mu'athe replied: "Here is the glad tiding,
for I have heard the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) say :
"Allah has said: 'It is incumbent upon me to bestow My love on
those who love each other for My sake, meet one another for My
sake, visit one another for My sake, and sustain each other for My
{{Q : May Allah reward you, dad. They are actually great virtues
and I feel that anyone of these virtues is good enough to
encourage a young man to make fri ends with such types of
people. But, among those friends there may occur some
clashes in opinions and disagreement on certain issues,
which may result in feud, and grudge. Would not this deprive
them from Allah 's grace on the Day of Judgement? }}
A: People, my son, are not faultless. Brothers and friends,
sometimes, disagree. However, this should not last for long.
Everybody should try to treat his brother and friends with a pure,
honest heart. As a result, Allah bestows his grace on them as He
says in the Noble Qur'an: "And we shall remove from their hearts
any sense of injury (that they may have), so that they will be like
brothers facing each other on thrones.)
{{Q : But, dad, suppose there is a young man who is not very
keen on worship and who says to himself: "I am a hypocrite ;
how can I make friends with such decent people?" He then
may think of abandoning them. Is this correct? }}
A: No, my son, it is Satan who makes him think in this way, since
he is keen on misleading Allah's servants. But as he knows that true
friendship brings about peace of mind, he tries hard to prevent him
from such a bliss. Abu Musa Al-Ash'ariyy narrated that a man asked
the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) about a person who
likes people but does not associate with them. The Prophet (salla
Allahu alayhi wa sallam) answered him saying: "A person will be
with those whom he loves." Abu Hurairah narrated that Allah's
- - - - -
Messenger said: "Allah has some angels who look for those who
remember Allah on the roads and paths. And when they find some
people remembering Allah, they call each other saying, 'Come to
the object of your pursuit.' Then the angels encircle them with their
wings up to the nearest heaven to us. After those people have
remembered Allah, the angels go back to their Lord Who asks them
although He knows best: 'What do My slaves say?' The angels reply:
'They say: 'Subhan Allah, Allahu Akbar, Alhamdu Lillah and they
glorify You.' Allah then asks: 'Did they see Me?' The angels reply:
'No, by Allah, they didn't see You.' Allah asks: 'How would it be if
they saw Me?' The angels reply: 'If they saw You, they would
worship You more devoutly and remember You more deeply, and
declare Your freedom from any resemblance to anything more
often.' Allah asks: 'What do they ask Me for?' The angels reply:
'They ask You for Paradise.' Allah asks: 'Did they see it?' The angels
reply : 'No, by Allah, they did not see it.' Allah asks: 'How it would
be if they saw it?' The angels reply: 'If they
saw it, they would have greater covetousness for it and would seek
it with greater zeal and would have greater desire for it.' Allah asks:
'From what do they seek refuge?' The angels reply: 'They seek
refuge from Hellfire' Allah asks: `Did they see it?
The angels reply: 'No, by Allah, they did not see it.' Allah asks: 'How
would it be if they saw it?' The angels reply: If they saw it, they
would flee from it as fast as they could and would have extreme
fear from it.' Then Allah says: 'I make you witnesses that I have
forgiven them.' (Allah's Messenger added) One of the angels would
say: 'There was so and so amongst them, and he was not one of
them, but he had just come for some need.' Allah would say :
'These are those people whose companions will not be reduced to
misery.'" [Sahih Al-Bukhari.]
When this is applied to someone who has come and sat with them
for a totally different purpose, how about the one who likes them,
and intends sitting with them when he comes. He also forsakes
- - - - -
worldly pleasures and bad places in order to keep their company.
He always wishes to be like them and blames himself all the time
for his laziness and inefficiency in worshipping Allah
{{Q : This is the case of righteous companions, what about
evil companions? }}
A: I have seldom seen a righteous young person who changes into a
bad person unless there are bad companions behind the change.
Therefore, the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) warned us
against bad companions and gave us a very illustrative example of
them when he said: "A good companion and an evil companion are
like a perfume-seller and a blacksmith. The perfume-seller will
either give you some perfume as a gift, or you will buy some off
him; but the blacksmith will either burn your clothes or you will get
a bad odor from him
Part of the evil role played by those bad companions can be
summed up in the following points
1-They speak to those who sit with them about their rude practices
and licentious adventures. Sometimes, they make up stories that
have never happened to vie in boasting with their friends and peers
2-They teach their companions ways of evil doings. They take their
companions by stealthy degrees towards evil and pave the way for
3-Their company weakens one's Faith. And so will be more
vulnerable to committing sins and forbidden things
4-When they see someone keen on his worship, they make fun of
him, which may contribute to his abandonment of such good deeds
{{Q : But, dad, when a young person is asked to avoid a bad
colleague or friend, he usually says that that friend or
colleague is a relative, or a neighbor }}
A: Many people, my son, mistakenly understand the concept of a
bad companion. He is anyone who calls for or encourages
- - - - -
disobedience to Allah, and makes it easy through words and deeds
either directly or indirectly. He may be a relative (close or distant) a
neighbor, or even a brother; but terms of kinship cannot be an
excuse for not avoiding and abandoning him. The righteous
companion, on the other hand, is the one
who helps his friends to serve and worship Allah and enjoins virtue
through words and deeds
{{Q : Some young people say that they make friends and sit
with those people, but they are also aware of good and evil.
They may also say that they talk with those people in school
only to entertain and amuse themselves without being
influenced by them }}
A : No, my son, the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) is a
trustworthy advisor. He warned us against such people. He told us
that they are like a blacksmith whose company influences those
around him. If a good Muslim keeps the company of a bad Muslim,
he may gain a bad reputation, or destroy his religion or life through
a serious misfortune or catastrophe. Moreover, this false excuse is
one of Satan's mischievous ways to deceive human beings so that
he can throw them in an environment of corruption and depravation
If we assume that those bad companions would not influence him in
anyway, which is not true, it is most likely that he will follow their
example. Once he likes them, he will be reunited with them on the
Day of Judgment
- - - - -
|[The Problem of Lust]|
{{Q : You've told me a lot about the advantages and bright
aspects of this period of entering manhood, but doesn't it
have its own problems and difficulties? }}
A: This is a crucial question. You know that Satan is eager to tempt
and seduce human beings. Allah says in the Noble Qur'an : "Satan
'Because You have sent me astray, surely I will lie in wait for them
(human beings) on Your straight Path. Then I will come to them
from before them and behind them, from their right, and fr om their
left, and you will not find most of them as thankful ones (i.e. they
will not be dutiful to You '
Therefore, the fight between Satan and a young man reaches its
climax when the young man reaches the age of religious obligation
It is Allah's wisdom to make the way to His Paradise hard and
difficult, and the way to the Hell full of desires. In other words, the
road to Hell is closer than that to Paradise. The Prophet (salla Allahu
alayhi wa sallam)
is reported to have said: "Hellfire is surrounded by all kinds of
desires and passions, while Paradise is surrounded by all kinds of
disliked undesirable things." [Sahih Al-Bukhari]
Thus, desires and lust start to appear in this stage of someone's life
in order to distinguish those who can resist the temptation from
those who cannot. But, if the way to Paradise were furnished with
flowers, everybody would take it
{{Q : Would you like to tell me more about these desires? }}
A: Yes, my son, they are so many, varying in strength and scope.
Allah says in the Noble Qur'an: "Beautified for men is the love of
things they covet ; women, children, much of gold and silver
(wealth), branded beautiful horses, cattle and well-tilled land. This
is the pleasure of the present world's life; but Allah has the
- - - - -
excellent return (Paradise with flowering rivers, etc.) with Him."
As for their varying nature, they differ from one person to another
and from one environment to another. However, the influence of
sexual desire on young people is the strongest and most dangerous,
especially in the present time. The Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa
sallam) warned us against that when he said: "I am not leaving
behind a more harmful trial (cause of mischief) for men than
women." The Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) also said: "A
person who gives surety to (safeguard) what is between his jaws
(tongue) and what is between his two legs (private organs), I
guarantee his entrance into Paradise." [Sahih Al -Bukhari]
Abu Hurairah narrated that the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa
sallam) was asked about the things, which cause most people to
enter Paradise. He answered: "Being careful about ones obligations
to Allah, and good behavior." Then, he was asked: "What are these
things, which would lead a person into Hellfire?" He answered: "His
mouth and genitals." [Sahih Al-Bukhari]
{{Q : You have come close to home when you spoke about this
desire. May I ask more questions about it? }}
A: Go ahead, son
{{Q : Some young people say that Allah is All-Omniscient and
All-Wise, so they wonder if there is a ny apparent wisdom
that a Muslim can see behind afflicting people with such a
strong desire? }}
A: You should know, my son, that a Muslim is not allowed to
question or object to Allah's commandments. He must submit to
whatever comes from his Lord and believe in it whether or not he
knows the wisdom behind it. However, if he knows the wisdom, his
Faith will become more firm
One wisdom behind sexual desire is to sustain the human race by
means of reproduction. Therefore, the two sexes are attracted to
each other in order to achieve this end. Again, as mentioned earlier,
- - - - -
one of the greatest pieces of wisdom is affliction and trial. If the
way of obedience is hard, it will not be taken except by honest and
pious people who are characterized by patience and forti tude, or
else it will be open to everybody
{{Q : I think the first step a wise man should take is to know
the temptations that may enkindle such a desire so that he
may avoid them. Is that so? }}
A: Certainly. One should avoid the things that may stir up desires
and lust
{{Q : What are the most dangerous of such temptations? }}
A: On top of such temptations is looking boldly at a woman as an
object of sexual desire. This serves as a stimulus that may lead to
an unlawful response. Also, it is the first step towards major sins.
Allah warns us against such a forbidden look; He says in the Noble
Qur'an: "Tell the believing men to lower their gaze (from looking at
forbidden things) and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual
acts). That is purer for them. Verily, Allah is All-Aware of what they
Because of its dangerous consequences, the Prophet (salla Allahu
alayhi wa sallam) warned his companions against looking at
forbidden things. He said: "Refrain from sitting in the streets." The
companions submitted: "O Messenger of Allah, we have no other
alternative, there is no other place where we can sit and discuss
things." He said: "If that is so, then observe your responsibilities
due to the street." The companions asked as to what was due to the
street? He said: "lower your gazes, clear the street off obstacles,
return greetings, and enjoin virtuous deeds and forbid evil ones
I can gather from this that a Muslim should be on his guard and
keep away from places where he would look at forbidden things. Is
that right?
Yes, my son, in the previous saying, the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi
wa sallam) ordered them not only to avoid looking at forbidden
- - - - -
things, but also to avoid sitting in streets. The Prophet said so
although the streets of Madinah then were different from the streets
nowadays, which are full of unveiled women, who tend to display
their charm. The women then were veiled, and showed signs of
shamefulness ; and so they would stick themselves to the walls
while walking without a legal escort
{{Q : Why is looking at a woman so dangerous? }}
A: This is because it is oftentimes followed by serious
consequences. When someone looks at a woman, he pictures her as
an object of sexual desire. And the image develops in his mind.
Satan, then, beautifies this image and brings it back in his mind
with all sorts of desirable animation. When this is repeated, it
develops into an obsession; and one may be haunted by such an
image in his prayers
When someone is obsessed by a certain idea, there is always the
possibility that such an idea might materialize into tangible action.
The whole thing starts with an intention perceived, then the
intention develops into determination, followed by vicious scheming,
which eventually results in committing adultery. If this were not the
outcome, thinking would lead to masturbation
{{Q : Dad, I have an important question about masturbation,
but I will put it off until later. For now, I have another
important question about looking at women. What would you
say to those young men who watch actresses in movies or
view pictures of women in magazines ; and their excuse is
that there is no harm in just doing that? }}
A: This is the same as looking at women in person; there is no
difference, since both actions will lead to the same result
{{Q : What if the whole matter is confined to a mere thought, I
mean no action is taken. Would you say something like 'it's
the thought that counts? }}
A: One of the epithets of Allah is the Merciful; and so He does not
- - - - -
punish His slaves except for the sins that they a ctually commit. The
Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) is reported to have said:
"Allah forgives my followers those (evil deeds) their ownselves may
suggest to them as long as they do not act." But, thinking about
women in a persistent way may lead to the unlawful act of adultery.
I would advise you and every young man to engage yourselves in
things that will benefit you in this world and in the Hereafter. Be
careful when such thoughts cross your mind; try to stop them right
away and replace them with better thoughts
{{Q : Dad, how can I put a curb on my desires? }}
A: The best thing to do is to maintain a strong Faith in Allah. This is
the most effective weapon against desires. I am telling you this
because the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) is reported to
have said that there would come a time when Faith would become
dear. And Mu'athe -I used to call one of his friends and say to him:
"Let's sit and spend some time increasing our Faith
{{Q : And what are some of the things that we can do to
increase our Faith? }}
A: Faith increases along with submission to Allah. Good deeds, like
reading the Noble Qur'an and reflecting on its meanings,
remembering Allah , and contemplating on His creation, also
increase Faith
Then you have to fear Allah in the most appropriate manner, and
observe your duties to Him wherever you are. That is because a
true believer should know that Allah encompasses everything, and
that nothing is hidden from Him. Not even an atom escapes His
knowledge. Allah says of Himself in the Noble Qur'an: "And with
Him are the keys of the Ghaib (all that is hidden [the Unseen]),
none knows them but He. And He knows whatever there is in the
land and in the sea; not a leaf falls, but he knows it. There is not a
grain in the darkness of the earth nor anything fresh or dry, but is
written in a Clear Record) And He also says: (Allah knows what
- - - - -
every female bears, and by how much the wombs fall short (of their
time or number) or exceed. Everything with Him is in (due)
proportion. All-Omniscient of the unseen and the seen, the Most
Great, the Most High. It is the same (to Him) whether any of you
conceal his speech or declare it openly, whether he be hid by night
or go forth freely by day"
Allah knows whoever commits unlawful acts in broad daylight and
whoever commits them behind closed doors. And if a believer is well
aware of this fact, he will fear Allah. You remember that saying by
the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) where he names the
types believers that will be under Allah's shade on the Day of
Judgement? One of them is a man who is being seduced by a
beautiful woman, but he says: "I fear Allah
{{Q : Dad, what is next? }}
A: One has to remember that he will stand before Allah on the Day
of Reckoning when all secrets are disclosed. Nothing will be hidden
from Him, and the mouths of the disbelievers will be sealed and
their limbs will testify against them. Allah says in the Noble Qur'an:
"Till, when they reach it (Hellfire), their hearing (ears) and their
eyes, and their skins will testify against them as to what they used
to do". Now, let me ask you if it is possible for a person to do wrong
without his limbs being present with him? Allah answers this
question in the Noble Qur'an: "And you have not been hiding
yourselves (in the world), lest your ears, and your eyes, and your
skins testify against you; but you thought that Allah knew not much
of what you were doing"
{{Q : Is there anything else? }}
A: Yes son, a believer has to remember what Allah has in store on
the Day of Resurrection for those who obey His commandments and
keep away from what He has forbidden
{{Q : You mean the maidens of Paradise? }}
A: Exactly! These are the chaste women of Paradise that Allah
- - - - -
describes in the Noble Qur'an : "Verily, We have created them
(maidens) of a special creation and made them virgins. Loving
(their husbands only), equal in age, for those on the Right Hand".
And the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) is reported to have
described them saying: "The first group (of people) who will enter
Paradise will be (g littering) like a full-moon. They will neither spit
therein nor blow their noses nor relieve nature. Their utensils
therein will be of gold and their combs of gold and silver; in their
censers the aloeswood will be used, and their sweat will smell like
musk. Everyone of them will have two wives; the marrow of the
bones of the wives' legs will be seen through the flesh out of
excessive beauty. They (i.e. the people of Paradise) will neither
have differences nor hatred amongst themselves; their hearts will be
as if one heart, and they will be glorifying Allah in the morning and
in the afternoon
{{Q : What else, Dad? }}
A: You have to turn to Allah , following the example of the Prophet
Joseph when the woman whom he worked for tried to seduce him.
The Noble Qur'an gives an account of he said: "O my Lord, the
prison is more to my liking than that to which they invite me. Unless
you turn away their plot from me, I will feel inclined towards them
and be one (of those who commit sin and deserve blame or those
who do deeds) of the ignorant"
My son, turn to your Lord, raise your hands humbly to Allah in
supplication, and realize that Allah will not turn away those who ask
Besides, you have to strengthen your will. You have to train yourself
to leash uncontrollable desires; you must never surrender to them.
But you have to know that this requires a tremendous amount of
training, because you are struggling against your vicious instincts,
which are amplified and supported by the accursed Satan
- - - - -
{{Q : Is that all? }}
A: No, son, there remains an important issue that was always
highlighted by the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam)
{{Q : You mean marriage, don't you? }}
A: Of course, son, may Allah grant you success in your life.
Marriage enables one to enjoy what Allah has made lawful for him.
This will surely prevent him from indulging in forbidden pleasures.
And if a person of your age cannot afford to get married, he has to
observe fast on those days, which were favored by the Prophet
(salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam), such as Mondays and Thursdays, or
whatever is most convenient. Fasting, as you know, infuses piety in
the heart. Allah says in the Noble Qur'an: "Fasting is prescribed for
you as it was prescribed for those before you, so that you may
develop piety"
Moreover, fasting strengthens the will and determination, and
qualifies you to defeat your vicious instincts
{{Q : Dad, what about masturbation? }}
A: O my son, it is a filthy and blameworthy habit. Moreover, it is
forbidden according to the Noble Qur'an and the authentic Sunnah.
Allah says in the Noble Qur'an: "And those who guard their chastity
(i.e. private parts, from illegal sexual acts . Except from their wives
or (the captives and slaves) that their right hands possess. For
them, they are free from blame
This verse indicates that true believers should guard their private
parts from illegal sexual activity. There are two permissible outlets
for satisfying sexual desire. These are one's wife and one's
possession of captives and slaves. Therefore, no one besides these
two is permissible
Also, practicing this blameworthy habit adversely affects the health
(leads to health problems). For instance, it affects the erectness of
the penis, which will bother a man when attempting to have an
- - - - -
intercourse with his wife. It will also decrease the potency of his
sperms. Moreover, masturbation causes poor digestion and weakens
the pituitary gland, which affects reproduction
Besides, masturbation is a main cause of psychological
disturbances, like depression and anxiety. Ejaculation of sperms due
to masturbation is usually followed by fits of remorse, which
develops later into a sense of indifference. What is worse is that one
may practice this habit in a place where he cannot remove his ritual
impurity by taking a shower, causing him to either miss the prayers
in their appointed time, or perform them in a state of ritual
impurity; and in either case, he will be sinful
{{Q : So Dad, how can one quit this filthy habit? }}
A: In order to quit this habit, one has to practice a few thi ngs.
First, one should strengthen his belief in Allah. Second, one should
lower his gaze and avoid thinking about lust. Third, one should
avoid being alone.
Fourth, one should keep himself busy with beneficial activities such
as reading
- - - - -
|[Love and Passion]|
{{Q : Dad, some youth indulge in unlawful passions. What
would you say to them? }}
A: To be a victim of unlawful passion is a dangerous matter because
it is likely to bring about a series of unlawful deeds. First, if this
passion leads to unlawful sex, it will incur a lot of sins; and if sexual
desire is not satisfied, sorrow will remain in the heart. Second, a
lover is usually preoccupied by his mistress, and this keeps him
from his religious duties as well as his worldly commitments. And
when these symptoms persist, they develop into pain and anguish.
Third, such an obsession is likely to keep him away from loving
Allah. Eventually, his mistress will be on top of his priorities
Moreover, it is claimed that someone's last words before his death
are the dress of the thoughts that have always occupied his heart. I
was told that there was a young man who fell deeply in love with a
girl called Islam. But as that love was not reciprocal, he got a
broken heart, and he fell ill. His condition then deteriorated, and the
last words he uttered on his deathbed were: "O Islam! I prefer your
love to the Mercy of Allah." The indication is that love can lead to a
disastrous end. These are the dangerous consequences of unlawful
love. Now, you are probably wondering about the solutions
Fill your heart with the love of Allah and remember Him all the time.
Spend some time every day reading the Noble Qur'an. Associate
with righteous people. Lower your gaze. Avoid forbidden love, and
try to nip it in the bud, because once it develops, it will be difficult
to stop
- - - - -
{{Q : Is it true that puberty is a stage of loss and deviation from
the Right Path? }}
A : No, my son. The more a person develops physically and
psychologically, the more he becomes inclined to seriousness in
religion as well as worldly matters. Allah nourishes this inclination
as one approaches puberty. Therefore, those who get lost and
deviate from the Right Path are those who reject religion and run
wildly after their desires, instead
{{Q : Dad, why is it that so ma ny young men and women are
leading a careless life nowadays? }}
A: Well, son, youth are full of energy; and if this energy is not
vented in an appropriate manner, they are expected to lead a life
void of morals and ideals. They will not pay the slightest attention
to the outcome of their deeds. And if they do not keep their souls
busy with obedience to Allah, they will definitely commit sins.
However, past generations of young Muslims were so keen on
keeping themselves busy with worthy commitments, such as
fighting in the cause of Allah, learning and seeking knowledge, etc.
Even in rural communities, where young people worked with their
parents mostly as farmers and shepherds, you would not find so
much carelessness because their vigor was properly utilized
{{Q : Dad, why are some youth tough on their parents, and they
seldom take any of their advice ; they do not even show any
response to it? Does this have anything to do with puberty? }}
A: Yes, my son. Many young people are indifferent to their elders,
because they are usually self-centered at this stage. They tend to
oppose whoever they think has authority over them, including their
parents and teachers. Their primary concern at this stage is to
establish an independent personality. They feel they have reached
full manhood or womanhood and they are no longer in need of
others. Therefore, everyone has to listen to whatever they say with
- - - - -
due respect. However, what makes matters worse are two factors
1-They lack the experience that accumulates during one's life,
which is very important for developing opinions of their own
2-Some parents treat their 'big' children as if they are still little
kids. So the children feel as though they are not getting the respect
they really deserve. And naturally, their response to parents' advice
is usually negative
{{Q : Dad, some students at this stage tend to oppose their
teachers ; is it for the same reasons? }}
A: Yes son, for the same reasons, which make school boys and girls
at this stage rebel against their teachers and refuse to respond to
{{Q : You mentioned that one reason for this phenomenon is
that some parents treat their 'big' children as if they are still
little kids. Why do they treat them like this? }}
A: Some reasons are related to the children themselves, and others
are related to the parents. The most important reason is that some
youth enter this stage while still behaving like children, and their
concerns are still childish. They are still attached to their toys.
Besides, when a young man notices signs of puberty, he
exaggerates his own capabilities. Therefore, his opinions may not be
mature yet, and so, elderly people will treat him accordingly. A
young man is so attached to his friends that he is more attentive to
them than he is to his parents or teachers. Unfortunately, the
advice of peer groups is not always sound
{{Q : Dad, why is the behavior of the youth often characterized
by rebellion and stubbornness? }}
A: That is because they regard such behavior as a way of
impressing others and imposing their own individual characters on
{{Q : Dad, but this can have adverse consequences, can't it? }}
- - - - -
A: Of course, son. This behaviour seldom achieves its objectives.
Others will often be on the aggressive, even if they are convinced of
an opinion that is imposed on them
{{Q : But I have seen some youth get what they want through
rebellion and stubbornness }}
A: That is true. They may succeed in that, but those who respond to
their requests do so out of desperation. These youth may receive a
limited benefit, but they lose the respect of their elders, which is
more valuable than what they get
{{Q : Then how can an adult convince his elders that he has
become a grown up man? }}
A: To begin with, he has to prove to them that his lifestyle has
changed by leaving behind the concerns of young children, by
adopting the manners typical of grown-ups, and by giving elderly
people the respect they deserve. He also has to prove to them that
he can bear responsibility for himself by properly attending to his
commitments. Only then can he propose his own opinions and
expect others to listen to them. However, time is very important.
That is, things should not be hurried. Finally, when some people
underestimate a young person's real capabilities, he has to be
patient and tolerant
- - - - -
|[Parents' Rights]|
{{Q : Dad, I have seen something which annoys me. That is,
some youth treat their parents badly, and the only excuse for
this bad treatment is that the parents do not let them do
what they want, or they treat them as if they are still little
kids. Moreover, I know that this is not a valid excuse. Can
you elaborate on this? }}
A: May Allah bless you, my son. It is shameful to see a Muslim
youth raise his voice when speaking to his parents or treat them
badly, forgetting about their rights, which are clearly enunciated in
the Noble Qur'an where Allah associates His own rights with theirs:
"And your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him.
Moreover, that you be dutiful to your parents. If one of them or
both of them attain old age in your life, say not to them a word of
disrespect, nor shout at them but address them in terms of honor"
Allah orders the believers to submit themselves in humility to their
parents. He says in the Noble Qur'an: "And lower unto them the
wing of submission and humility through mercy, and say: 'My Lord!
Bestow on them Your Mercy as they did bring me up when I was
Jihad is considered the greatest of all Islamic duties. However, a
Muslim cannot join the Jihad troops unless by his parents' leave. A
man came to the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) asking him
for permission to join the army. The Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa
sallam) asked him: "Are your parents alive?" The man said: "Yes."
The Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) said: "Strive in their
service." Another man came to the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa
sallam) and said: "I took an oath to emigrate from the disbelieves'
society and I left my parents crying." The Prophet said: "Go back
and make them happy as you made them cry." [Sahih AI-Bukhari]
{{Q : Then if Islam places filial dutifulness in such a high
position, then there must be a great reward for it }}
- - - - -
A: Yes, of course. Islam has provided a great reward. First,
obedience to parents is considered obedience to Allah. So if a
person fulfills his parents' requests, he is obeying Allah. Second,
their satisfaction leads to Allah's satisfaction. So if a person satisfies
his parents, then Allah will be satisfied with him. On the other hand,
if a person makes his parents dissatisfied, then Allah will be
dissatisfied with him. The Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam)
said: "The satisfaction of Allah is in the satisfaction of parents."
[Sahih Al-Bukhari]
The Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) also said : "May he be
disgraced ; may he be disgraced who finds his parents (one or both)
approaching old age and does not enter Paradise by rendering
services to them." [Sahih Muslim]
The third reward is that Allah will answer the invocation of those
who are dutiful to their parents. The Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa
sallam) told his companions about a man named Uwais Al Qami who
so dutiful to his mother that whenever he asked Allah for
something, Allah would fulfill it for him [Sahih Muslim]
{{Q : Dad, if this is the reward for observing parents' rights,
then what is the punishment for not observing such rights?}}
A: Not observing parents' rights is a great calamity, which leads to
grave consequences. The Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam)
associated disobedience to parents with Shirk (associating partners
with Allah in worship; major polytheism).
Anas Ibn Maalik asked the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam)
about the major sins. The Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam)
answered: "Associating partners with Allah, disobedience to parents,
murder and bearing false witness. Abu Bakr mentioned that the
Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) explained that disobedience
would speed up the coming of punishment in this world
This means that when someone disobeys his parents, it may drive
them angry, and so they may invoke Allah against him. Surely, such
- - - - -
an invocation may be answered. The Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa
sallam) said: "Three invocations are undoubtedly answered: the
invocation of parents against their undutiful children, the invocation
of a traveller, and the invocation of the oppressed." [Sahih Al-
{{Q : What is the worst type of disobedience? }}
A: The worst type of disobedience is the refusal of the child to do
the good deeds, which are urged and recommended by the parents
{{Q : But some youth may claim that they are undutiful to their
parents just because the parents deny them their rights.
What do you think of this? }}
A: My son, there is nothing more serious than committing Shirk,
However, Allah orders us in the Noble Qur'an to be dutiful to our
parents even if they commit Shirk themselves and urge us to
commit it ourselves: "But if they (both) strive with you to make you
join in worship with Me others that of which you have no
knowledge, then obey them not; but behave with them in the world
kindly, and follow the path of him who turns to Me in repentance
and in obedience. Then to Me will be your return, and I shall tell you
what you used to do". It is clear then that you do not obey them in
terms of Shirk, but obey those who call you to th e Path of Allah .
Nevertheless, you are requested to treat them in the best manner
{{Q : We can say then that if parents are not observing the
duties of Islam properly, we still have to treat them kindly.
Is that right? }}
A: Absolutely. Allah orders us to treat parents respectfully even if
they are struggling to turn us away from Islam by calling us to
Shirk. All we have to do is invite them with wisdom to Islam. In
addition, when one's parents are sinful, one has to be patient with
The respect due to parents is a natural right, and does not depend
on how they treat their children. Being tough on their children may
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be for a good reason. They may have the intention to correct a
disagreeable behavior
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|[Intense Emotions]|
{{Q : Dad, let us now shift to another topic. Some youth get so
angry that they cannot control their reactions. Does this
have anything to do with reaching puberty? }}
A: Yes, my son. Some young people are characterized by intense
emotions at this stage. When they get angry, they shout at the top
of their voices. They break things and treat their elders badly.
Anger, my son, must be suppressed because it may cause a lot of
trouble. Some young people often beat their breasts when they
have acted irrationally out of anger
One day a man came to the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam)
asking him for a piece of advice regarding good manners. The
Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) said: "Do not get angry."
When the man repeated his request, the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi
wa sallam) gave him the same advice. Then the man said: When I
thought about what the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) had
said, I realized that anger is the root of all evil." This, my son, is a
proof that anger may cause one to do things that he will regret for
the rest of his life
Allah likes those who control their emotions and restrain themselves
when they get angry
Allah says in the Noble Qur'an: "Those who spend (in Allah's Cause
deeds of charity, alms, etc.) in prosperity and in adversity, who
repress anger, and who pardon men: verily, Allah loves the good
doers". And: "And those who avoid the greater sins, and Al-
Fawahish (illegal sexual intercourse, etc.), and when they are
angry, forgive"
{{Q : My Dad, this discussion about uncontrolled anger reminds
me of another thing ; that is going to extremes when
evaluating other people, which I have frequently noticed
among my peers. When they like somebody, they exaggerate
in describing his merits, and when they dislike somebody, }}
- - - - -
{{they shift to a different tone. Does this have anything to do
with reaching puberty? }}
A: Yes. Young people tend to exaggerate their feelings of liking and
disliking, and that is due to the intensity of emotions characteristic
of young age
{{Q : I think the enemies of Islam realize this fact, an d they
act accordingly. They try hard to turn young people away
from true guidance through many kinds of unlawful
entertainment }}
A: Yes, son, you are right. The enemies of Islam have always
sought to seduce Muslim youth through the media, especially those
satellite channels, which are beamed to the remotest parts of the
{{Q : Dad, is there anything one can do to protect himself from
this seduction? }}
A: The best thing to do is to read the stories of those early Muslims
who helped raise the banner of Islam. They are good examples that
should be followed. And the Noble Qur'an is full of stories of
righteous people who spent all their lives in the cause of Allah.
There are also the stories of Allah's Messengers whose struggle
against disbelievers is a chain of great lessons for us to learn
When good examples are set before young men and women, they
can hardly be seduced by insignificant people
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|[Examples of Righteous People]|
{{Q : Dad, would you like to shed more light on some examples
of righteous people, especially when they were young? }}
A: Yes, my son. Allah has mentioned the story of the Prophet
Joseph. He was a good example of abstinence. He was young and
single when the woman whom he worked for tried to seduce him in
order to have sex with her. She was not only beautiful, but also a
woman of consequences, she was the Prime Minister's wife. She
went to him and closed the door behind her. She threatened to put
him in jail if he rejected her. With all of this temptation, seduction
and above all threats, he turned to Allah, saying : "I seek refuge in
Allah (or Allah forbid)! Truly, he (your husband) is my master! He
made my living in a great comfort! (So I will never betray him).
Verily, the Thalimun (wrong and evildoers) will never be successful).
He would rather go to jail than commit adultery. You know, when a
young Muslim reads this story and realizes the message intended, I
think he will think twice before committing adultery
Another example of sincere affiliation to religion is Khabbaab Ibn Al
-Araat. When his acceptance of Islam became known, the
disbelievers tortured him severely. He was raked naked over
glowing coal until permanent scars marked his entire body.
However, they did not manage to turn him away from his religion.
The admiration held by the Prophet's companions to Khabbaab is
quite known. On his way to Makkah, Ali Ibn Abi Talib passed by the
grave of Khabbaab. He stopped for a while and said: "May Allah
have mercy on Khabbaab ; he accepted Islam and emigrated to
Madinah, following the orders of the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa
sallam). His whole life was devoted to fighting in the cause of Allah.
He was severely tortured, but never gave up. May Allah give him
the best reward." My son, this companion was almost of your age
when he did all this
The highest example of determination ever found among the young
companions of the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) is Al
- - - - -
Harith who was killed in the battle of Badr. His mother came to the
Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) and said: "O Messenger of
Allah! You know how dear Harith was to me. If he is in Paradise, I
will be patient and expect Allah to reward me for what he did; but if
he is not, you will see what I will do. The Prophet (salla Allahu
alayhi wa sallam) said: "Woe to you! Is there only one Paradise?
There is more than one. And your son is in Firdaws (the best of all
Another example of great determination is the story of Umair Ibn
Abi Waqqaas, a 16-year old companion of the Prophet (salla Allahu
alayhi wa sallam). His brother Sa'd narrated: "I saw my brother,
Umair before the inspection of the troops trying to hide himself.
When I asked him why he was doing this, he said: 'I'm afraid the
Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) will consider me too young
to join the army.' He wanted very much to get killed in the
battlefield, and so be a martyr. Then the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi
wa sallam) came and examined him. He found him too young and
sent him back. Umair cried so bitterly that the Prophet (salla Allahu
alayhi wa sallam) had not let him join his troops as a soldier. The
young warrior had to shorten the sword belt so that it would not
touch the ground. And he was killed
Many of the Prophet's (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) companions
were less than twenty years old when they fought side by side with
An outstanding example of Muslim youth in the field of memorizing
the Noble Qur'an is Umar Ibn Salama. He memorized the entire
body of verses as they were revealed one by one; that is, before
being compiled in a bound form. As a reward for this, he was always
given a special treatment
In the field of seeking knowledge, Mu'athe Ibn Jabal was described
by the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) as the most learned
person in matters of what is lawful and what is not. He was not
quite twenty when he accepted Islam
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Ibn Umar, the son of the second Caliph, is a good example of those
who devoted their lives to the worship of Allah. He used to sleep a
few hours, and then wake up to perform voluntary prayers
Muhammad Ibn Talhah was known as As-Sajjaad (the Prostrator)
due to the great number of his prayers he used to perform
In sports, often practiced in preparation for Jihad, we find many
examples of excellence. For instance, Abdullah Ibn Umar was a
distinguished horse racer
{{Q : My dad, did the Prophet ( salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam)
use to mention examples of such righteous people when he
taught his companions? }}
A: Yes, son. When Khabbaab was being tortured he sent to the
Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) asking him to pray to Allah
that He may spare him the torture he could hardly tolerate. The
Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) said: "Among the nations
before you a believer was thrown tied into a ditch, and a saw was
put over his head and he would be cleaved into two pieces; yet, he
would not give up his religion. Before throwing him into the ditch,
they would cut roads into his body with hot iron combs that
removed his burnt skin; yet, that would not make him abandon his
religion. By Allah, this religion (i.e. Islam) will prevail, but you
(people) are hasty." [Sahih Al-Bukhari]
{{Q : Indeed, these are good examples, dad. But they all belong
to the generation of the Prophet ( salla Allahu alayhi wa
sallam). What about our generation? }}
A: When a person looks at these ex amples, it does not mean that
he is expected to be like them. What it means, though, is that one
should try to hold fast to his religion
And do not ever forget that the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa
sallam) has promised those people who maintain their F aith,
despite the temptations around them, a liberal reward in the
Hereafter. The examples of such good Muslims all over world today
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are too many to count. They are people who have managed to
achieve success in many different fields of knowledge. They are well
versed in religious as well as worldly matters. This is an indication
that when youth depend on Allah they can overcome any obstacles
that may encounter them
Dad, this has been an excellent discussion; and I feel I have taken
much of your precious time. Now, I ask your permission to leave so
you can have a bit of rest. May Allah reward you for all you have
been doing for me