Tafheem ul Quran

Surah 90 Al-Balad, Ayat 10-10

وَهَدَيۡنٰهُ النَّجۡدَيۡنِ​ۚ‏ ﴿90:10﴾

(90:10) And did We not show him the two highroads (of good and evil)?10


10. That is, We have not left him alone after granting him the faculties of thinking and reasoning so that he may have to search out his own way, but We have also guided him and opened up before him both the highways of good and evil, virtue and vice, so that he may consider them seriously and choose and adopt one or the other way on his own responsibility. This same subject has been expressed in (Surah Ad-Dahr, Ayat 2-3), thus: Indeed We created man from a mixed sperm-drop, to try him, and so We made him capable of hearing and seeing. We showed him the way, whether to be grateful or disbelieving. For explanation, see (E.Ns 3 to 5 of Surah Ad-Dahr).