40. Who fears...Lord: who fears God in whatever he does in the world, and dreads his accountability before Him in the Hereafter. Whoever holds this belief will inevitably avoid serving the lusts of his self, will avoid following every path blindly, will distinguish between the truth and falsehood, justice and injustice, pure and impure, and the lawful and the unlawful, and will not turn away deliberately from following the commands of God. This is the real ground for the reward that is being mentioned below.
41. Jannat actually means a garden. At some places in the Quran the entire world in which the righteous people will be kept, has been called Jannat, as though the whole of it was a garden. And at others it has been said that they will have Jannaat (Gardens) under which canals will be flowing. This means that that big Garden will comprise countless other gardens; and here precisely it has been stated that every pious man will be given two gardens in that big Garden, which will be particularly meant for him; it will have his own palaces in which he will live with his family and attendants like a king, and in it he will be provided with all that is being mentioned below.
42. From here till the end, the word alaa has been used both for the blessings and for the powers, and there is an aspect of the praiseworthy qualities too in it. If we take the first meaning, the meaning of repeating the refrain in this context will be: If you like to deny the blessings of Allah, you may do so. The righteous will certainly receive these blessings from their Lord. In the second case the meaning would be: If you think it is impossible for Allah to create the Garden and bless His righteous servants with these bounties in it, you may think so. Allah certainly has the power to do this work and He will surely accomplish it. According to the third meaning, it means: You think that after having created this big world Allah now doesn’t bother whether a person behaves unjustly here or justly, works to promote the truth or falsehood, spreads evil or good, He will neither punish the oppressor nor redress the grievances of the oppressed, will neither appreciate good nor abhor evil, then, as you think, He is helpless too. He can build the heavens and the earth but cannot prepare Hell for punishing the wicked and cannot make Heaven for rewarding the followers of the truth. Thus, you may deny His praiseworthy attributes as you may, but tomorrow when He hurls the evildoers into Hell and blesses the worshipers of the truth in Heaven, will you even then be able to deny His these attributes.
43. This can have two meanings:
(1) The fruits of the two gardens will have their own special flavors and tastes. In one garden he will find one kind of the fruit clustering on its branches, and in the other, another kind.
(2) In each garden there will be two kinds of fruit; one kind of the familiar fruit known and tasted in the world, though much superior to that found in the world, and the other kind of the rare fruit never imagined and tasted before.
44. That is, when their lining will be of such superior quality, you may imagine what will be the quality of the outer layer of the carpets.