20. This does not mean that earthly life has nothing serious about it and
that it has been brought into being merely as a sport and pastime. What this
observation means is that, compared with the true and abiding life of the Hereafter,
earthly life seems, as it were, a sport, a transient pastime with which to amuse
oneself before turning to serious business.
Earthly life has been likened to a sport and pastime for another reason as well.
Since Ultimate Reality is hidden in this world, the superficially minded ones
who lack true perception encounter many a thing which causes them to fall a
prey to misconceptions. As a result of these misconceptions such persons indulge
in a variety of actions which are so blatantly opposed to reality that their
life seems to consist merely of sport and pastime. One who assumes the position
of a king in this world, for instance, is no different from the person who plays
the part of a king on the stage of a theatre. His head is bedecked with a crown
and he goes about commanding people as if he were a king, even though he has
no royal authority. He may later, if the director of the theatre wishes, be
either dismissed from his royal office, put into prison or even be sentenced
to death Plays of this kind go on all over the world. Saints and man-made deities
are deemend to respond to human supplications even though they do not have a
shred of authority to do so. Again, some people try to unravel the Unseen even
though to do so lies altogether beyond their reach. There are those who claim
to provide sustenance to others despite the fact that they are themselves dependent
on others for their own sustenance. There are still others who think that they
have the power either to bestow honour and dignity on human beings or to degrade
them, either to confer benefits or to harm them. Such people go about trumpeting
their own glory but their own foreheads bear the stamp of their humble bondage
to their Creator. By just one twist of fortune such people may fall of their
pededstrals and be trampled under the feet of those upon whom they have been
imposing their God-like authority.
All these people come to a sudeen end with death.As soon as man crosses the
boundaries of this world and steps into the Next, the reality will be fully
manifest, all the misconceptions that he has entertained will be peeled away,
and he will be shown the true worth of his belief and actions.
21. The fact is that before the Prophet Muhammad (peace be on him) began
to preach the message of God, all his people regarded him as truthful and trustworthy
and had full confidence in his veracity. Only after he had begun to preach the
message of God did they call him a liar. Even during this period none dared
to say that the Prophet (peace be on him) had ever been guilty of untruthfullness
in personal matters. Even his worst enemies never accused him of lying in any
worldly affairs. When they did accuse him of falsehood, they did so in respect
of his prophetic mission. Abu Jahl for instance, was one of his staunchest enemies.
According to a tradition from 'Ali, Abu Jahl once said to the Prophet (peace
be on him): 'We do not disbelieve you. We disbelieve your message.' On the occasion
of the Battle of Badr, Akhnas b. Shariq asked Abu Jahl, when they were alone,
to confide whether he considered Muhammad to be truthful or not. He replied:
' By God, Muhammad is a veracious person. He has never lied in all his life.
But if every honorable office-liwa' (standard-bearing in war), siqayah ( provision
of water to the pilgrims), hijabah (gaurdian ship of the ka'bah ) and nubuwah
( prophethood ) - were to fall to the share of the decendents of Qusayy, what
would be left for the rest of the Quraysh?' (Ibn Kathir,vol.3, pp.17-18-Ed.)
Here God consoled the Prophet(peace be on him) by telling him that by charging
him with falsehood the unbelievers were calling God untruthful. Since God has
endured this accusation with mild forbearance, leaving them free to persist
in their blasphemy, the Prophet ( peace be on him ) need not feel undue disquiet.
22. The point emphasized here is that no one has the power to change God's Law regarding the conflict between Truth and falsehood. Lovers of Truth must of necessity pass through trials and persecution so as to be gradually tempered. Their endurance, their honastyy of conviction, their readiness to sacrifice and to undertake all risk for their cause, the strength of their faith and the extent of their trust in God must be tested. They must pass through this phase of persecution to develop in thenselves those qualities which can be developed nowhere else but on earth. They are also required to defeat the forces of ignorance by virtue of their moral excellence and the nobility of their character. Only after they have established their moral superiority over their adversaries will God's help arrive. No one can secure that help before hand.
23. The Prophet (peace be on him) saw that even though he had spent a long time admonishing his people, they did not seem inclined to heed his call. As a result he sometimes wished for the appearance of some extraordinary sign of God that would undermine the stubbornness of his people and lead them to accept his guidance. This verse embodies God's response to the Prophet's desire. He is told not to be impatient. He must persist in his striving and continue to work. in conformity with God's directive. Had it been God's purpose to work miracles, He would have done so. But God did not consider that to be either the appropriate method for bringing to a successful completion the required intellectual and moral revolution or for the evolution of a sound, healthy civilization. Well, then, if the Prophet (peace be on him) could not bear patiently with the attitude of stubbornness and rejection prevalent among his people, and if he thought it necessary to make them witness a tangible sign of God, let him muster all his strength and try to cleave the earth, or climb a ladder to the heaven and bring forth a miracle powerful enough to change the unbelief of the unbelievers into belief. He is told, however, that in this regard he should not expect God to fulfil his wish, for such things have no place in God's scheme.
24. Had it been required that all people should be driven to the Truth, there would have been no need to send Prophets, to reveal heavenly Books, to direct believers to engage in struggles against unbelievers, and to make the message of Truth pass through the necessary stages until fulfilment is reached. The result could have been achieved by a single sign of God's creative will. God, however, did not want things to happen that way. He preferred the Truth to be set before people with its supporting arguments so that by a proper exercise of their rational judgement, they should recognize it for what it was and thereafter freely choose to embrace it as their faith. By moulding their lives in conformity with this Truth such people should demonstrate their moral superiority over the devotees of falsehood. They should continually attract men of sound morals by the force of their arguments, by the loftiness of their ideals, by the excellence of their principles and by the purity of their lives. They should thus reach their goal - the establishment of the hegemony of the true faith - by the natural and gradual escalation of strife against falsehood. God will guide them in the performance of this task and will provide them with whatever help they merit during the various stages of their struggle. But if anyone wishes to evade this natural course and wants God to obliterate corrupt ideas and to spread healthy ones in their stead, to root out a corrupt civilization and put a healthy one in its place by exercising His omnipotent will, let him know that this will not come about. The reason is that such is contrary to the scheme according to which God has created man as a responsible being, bestowed upon him a degree of power which he may exercise, granted him the freedom to choose between obedience and disobedience to God, awarded him a certain term of life in order to demonstrate his worth, and determined that at an appointed hour He will judge him for either reward or punishment in the light of his deeds.
25. 'Those who hear' refers to those whose consciences are alive, who have not atrophied their intellect and reason, and who have not closed their hearts to the Truth out of irrational prejudice and menta! inflexibility. In contrast to such people are those who are characterized as 'dead' - who blindly follow the old familiar beaten tracks, and can never deviate from the ways they have inherited, even when these ways are plainly at variance with the Truth.
26. The word ayah here signifies a tangible miracle. The purpose of the verse is to point out that the reason for not showing a miraculous sign is not God's powerlessness. The true reason is something else which those people in their immaturity, have failed to comprehend.
27. If they are concerned with miraculous signs in order to determine whether or not the message of the Prophet (peace be on him) is indeed true, then, let them look around with open and attentive eyes. If they actually do so they will find the world full of such signs. Let them take any species of animal or bird they like. They can reflect upon the superbness of its organic structure. They will notice how its instinctive urges are in complete conformity with its natural requirements. They will also observe how wonderfully adequate are the arrangements for providing it with nourishment; how marvellously well-determined are the limits within which -it lives; how tremendously efficient is the system under which each living creature is protected, provided for, looked after and directed towards self-fulfilment; how strictly each one is fitted into the framework of the discipline devised for it, and how very smooth is the operation of the whole system of birth, procreation and death. Were one to reflect on this alone from among the innumerable signs of God, one would perceive fully how true the teaching of the Prophet (peace he on him) is concerning the unity and other attributes of God and how necessary it is to live a righteous life in conformity with the concept of God propounded by him. But their eyes were neither open to perceive the Truth nor their ears open to heed admonition. Instead, they remained ignorant, preferring to be entertained by the performance of wondrous feats.
28. God's act of misguiding a man consists in not enabling one who cherishes
his ignorance to observe the signs of God. The fact is that if a biased person
- one who has no real love of the Truth - were to observe the signs of God,
he might still fail to perceive it. Indeed, all those things which cause misconception
and confusion would probably continue to alienate him from it. God's act of
true guidance consists in enabling a seeker after the Truth to benefit from
the sources of true knowledge, so that he constantly discovers sign after sign,
leading him ultimately to the Truth.
A myriad of cases are encountered daily to illustrate this. We notice that a
great many people pass inattentively over the countless signs of God that are
scattered all over the world, and ignore even those signs which are manifest
in human beings as well as in animals. It is little wonder, then, that they
derive no lesson from all these signs. There are many who study zoology, botany,
biology, geology, astronomy, physiology, anatomy and other branches of natural
science. Others study history, archaeology and sociology. During the course
of such studies they come across many signs of God which, if they cared to look
at them in the correct perspective, might fill their hearts with faith. But
since they commence their study with a bias, and are actuated only by the desire
to acquire earthly advantages, they fail to discover the signs which could lead
them to the Truth. On the contrary, each of those very signs of God contributes
to pushing them towards atheism, materialism and naturalism. At the same time,
the world is not empty of those truly wise ones who view the universe with open
eyes. For them even the most ordinary phenomenon of the universe directs them
to God.
29. Attention is now drawn towards another sign - one observable even in the lives of those who deny the Truth. When either some great calamity befalls a man or when death starkly stares him in the face, it is only to God that he turns for refuge. On such occasions even the staunchest polytheists forget their false gods and cry out to the One True God, and even the most rabid atheists stretch out their hands in prayer to Him. This phenomenon is mentioned here in order to draw an instructive lesson. It shows that devotion to God and monotheism are ingrained in the human soul. No matter how overlaid this truth might be, some day it shakes off man's heedlessness and ignorance and manifests itself fully. It was the observation of this sign which had led 'Ikrimah, the son of Abu Jahl, to the true faith. For when Makka was conquered at the hands of the Prophet (peace be on him), 'Ikrimah fled to Jeddah and sailed from there towards Abyssinia. During the voyage the boat ran into a severe storm which threatened to capsize it. At first people began calling on their gods and goddesses. Later on, when the storm grew even worse and the passengers were sure that the boat would sink, they began to feel it was time to call on God alone, for He alone could save them. This opened the eyes of 'Ikrimah, whose heart cried out to him that if there was no effective helper for them in that situation, how could there he one elsewhere? He also recalled that this was precisely what the Prophet (peace be on him) had constantly told people, and that it was precisely because of this preaching that they had been engaged in unnecessary violent conflict with him. This was a turning-point in 'Ikrimah's life. He instantly made up his mind that if he survived the storm he would go straight to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be on him) and place his hand in his, binding himself in allegiance. Thereafter he not only remained true to his word by becoming a Muslim, but spent the rest of his life struggling in the cause of Islam.