Towards Understanding the Quran
With kind permission of Islamic Foundation UK
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Tafsirs: Maarif | Dawat | Ishraq | Clear
Surah Ali 'Imran 3:42-54   Chapters ↕   Word for Word
Verses [Section]: 1-9[1], 10-20 [2], 21-30 [3], 31-41 [4], 42-54 [5], 55-63 [6], 64-71 [7], 72-80 [8], 81-91 [9], 92-101 [10], 102-109 [11], 110-120 [12], 121-129 [13], 130-143 [14], 144-148 [15], 149-155 [16], 156-172 [17], 173-180 [18], 181-187 [19], 188-200 [20]
وَ اِذْAnd whenقَالَتِsaidالْمَلٰٓىِٕكَةُthe AngelsیٰمَرْیَمُO Maryam!اِنَّIndeedاللّٰهَAllahاصْطَفٰىكِ(has) chosen youوَ طَهَّرَكِand purified youوَ اصْطَفٰىكِand chosen youعَلٰیoverنِسَآءِ(the) womenالْعٰلَمِیْنَ (of) the worlds یٰمَرْیَمُO Maryam!اقْنُتِیْBe obedientلِرَبِّكِto your Lordوَ اسْجُدِیْand prostrateوَ ارْكَعِیْand bow downمَعَwithالرّٰكِعِیْنَ those who bow down ذٰلِكَThatمِنْ(is) fromاَنْۢبَآءِ(the) newsالْغَیْبِ(of) the unseenنُوْحِیْهِWe reveal itاِلَیْكَ ؕto youوَ مَاAnd notكُنْتَyou wereلَدَیْهِمْwith themاِذْwhenیُلْقُوْنَthey castاَقْلَامَهُمْtheir pensاَیُّهُمْ(as to) which of themیَكْفُلُtakes charge (of)مَرْیَمَ ۪Maryamوَ مَاand notكُنْتَyou wereلَدَیْهِمْwith themاِذْwhenیَخْتَصِمُوْنَ they (were) disputing اِذْWhenقَالَتِsaidالْمَلٰٓىِٕكَةُthe AngelsیٰمَرْیَمُO Maryam!اِنَّIndeedاللّٰهَAllahیُبَشِّرُكِgives you glad tidingsبِكَلِمَةٍof a wordمِّنْهُ ۖۗfrom Himاسْمُهُhis nameالْمَسِیْحُ(is) the MessiahعِیْسَیIsaابْنُsonمَرْیَمَ(of) Maryamوَجِیْهًاhonoredفِیinالدُّنْیَاthe worldوَ الْاٰخِرَةِand (in) the Hereafterوَ مِنَand ofالْمُقَرَّبِیْنَۙthose brought near (to Allah) 3. Ali 'Imran Page 56وَ یُكَلِّمُAnd he will speakالنَّاسَ(to) the peopleفِیinالْمَهْدِthe cradleوَ كَهْلًاand (in) maturityوَّ مِنَand (he will be) ofالصّٰلِحِیْنَ the righteous قَالَتْShe saidرَبِّMy Lordاَنّٰیhowیَكُوْنُis [it]لِیْfor meوَلَدٌa boyوَّ لَمْand (has) notیَمْسَسْنِیْtouch(ed) meبَشَرٌ ؕany manقَالَHe saidكَذٰلِكِThusاللّٰهُAllahیَخْلُقُcreatesمَاwhatیَشَآءُ ؕHe willsاِذَاWhenقَضٰۤیHe decreesاَمْرًاa matterفَاِنَّمَاthen onlyیَقُوْلُHe saysلَهٗto itكُنْBeفَیَكُوْنُ and it becomes وَ یُعَلِّمُهُAnd He will teach himالْكِتٰبَthe Bookوَ الْحِكْمَةَand [the] wisdomوَ التَّوْرٰىةَand the Tauratوَ الْاِنْجِیْلَۚand the Injeel وَ رَسُوْلًاAnd (make him) a Messengerاِلٰیtoبَنِیْۤ(the) Childrenاِسْرَآءِیْلَ ۙ۬(of) IsraelاَنِّیْIndeed Iقَدْ[surely]جِئْتُكُمْ[I] (have) come (to) youبِاٰیَةٍwith a signمِّنْfromرَّبِّكُمْ ۙyour Lordاَنِّیْۤthat Iاَخْلُقُ[I] designلَكُمْfor youمِّنَfromالطِّیْنِ[the] clayكَهَیْـَٔةِlike (the) formالطَّیْرِ(of) the birdفَاَنْفُخُthen I breathفِیْهِinto itفَیَكُوْنُand it becomesطَیْرًۢاa birdبِاِذْنِby (the) permissionاللّٰهِ ۚ(of) Allahوَ اُبْرِئُAnd I cureالْاَكْمَهَthe blindوَ الْاَبْرَصَand the leperوَ اُحْیِand I give lifeالْمَوْتٰی(to) the deadبِاِذْنِby (the) permissionاللّٰهِ ۚ(of) Allahوَ اُنَبِّئُكُمْAnd I inform youبِمَاof whatتَاْكُلُوْنَyou eatوَ مَاand whatتَدَّخِرُوْنَ ۙyou storeفِیْinبُیُوْتِكُمْ ؕyour housesاِنَّIndeedفِیْinذٰلِكَthatلَاٰیَةً(is) surely a signلَّكُمْfor youاِنْifكُنْتُمْyou areمُّؤْمِنِیْنَۚbelievers وَ مُصَدِّقًاAnd confirmingلِّمَاthat whichبَیْنَ(was)یَدَیَّbefore meمِنَofالتَّوْرٰىةِthe Tauratوَ لِاُحِلَّand so that I make lawfulلَكُمْfor youبَعْضَsomeالَّذِیْ(of) that whichحُرِّمَwas forbiddenعَلَیْكُمْto youوَ جِئْتُكُمْAnd I (have) come to youبِاٰیَةٍwith a signمِّنْfromرَّبِّكُمْ ۫your LordفَاتَّقُواSo fearاللّٰهَAllahوَ اَطِیْعُوْنِ and obey me اِنَّIndeedاللّٰهَAllahرَبِّیْ(is) my Lordوَ رَبُّكُمْand your Lordفَاعْبُدُوْهُ ؕso worship HimهٰذَاThisصِرَاطٌ(is) the pathمُّسْتَقِیْمٌ straight فَلَمَّاۤThen whenاَحَسَّperceivedعِیْسٰیIsaمِنْهُمُfrom themالْكُفْرَ[the] disbeliefقَالَhe saidمَنْWhoاَنْصَارِیْۤ(will be) my helpersاِلَیtoاللّٰهِ ؕAllahقَالَSaidالْحَوَارِیُّوْنَthe disciplesنَحْنُWeاَنْصَارُ(will be the) helpersاللّٰهِ ۚ(of) Allahاٰمَنَّاwe believe[d]بِاللّٰهِ ۚin Allahوَ اشْهَدْand bear witnessبِاَنَّاthat weمُسْلِمُوْنَ (are) Muslims 3. Ali 'Imran Page 57رَبَّنَاۤOur Lordاٰمَنَّاwe believe[d]بِمَاۤin whatاَنْزَلْتَYou revealedوَ اتَّبَعْنَاand we follow[ed]الرَّسُوْلَthe Messengerفَاكْتُبْنَاthen write usمَعَamongالشّٰهِدِیْنَ the witnesses وَ مَكَرُوْاAnd they schemedوَ مَكَرَand plannedاللّٰهُ ؕAllahوَ اللّٰهُAnd Allahخَیْرُ(is the) bestالْمٰكِرِیْنَ۠(of) the planners


(3:42) Then came the time when the angels said: 'O Mary! Behold, Allah has chosen you, and made you pure, and exalted you above all the women in the world.

(3:43) O Mary! Remain devout to your Lord, and prostrate yourself in worship, and bow with those who bow (before Him).'

(3:44) (O Muhammad!) We reveal to you this account from a realm which lies beyond the reach of your perception for you were not with them when they drew lots with their pens about who should be Mary's guardian,43 and you were not with them when they disputed about it.

(3:45) And when the angels said: 'O Mary! Allah gives you the glad tidings of a command from Him: his name shall be Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary. He shall be highly honoured in this world and in the Next, and shall be one of those near stationed to Allah.

(3:46) And he shall speak to men in the cradle and also later when he grows to maturity and shall indeed be among the righteous.'

(3:47) She said: 'O my Lord! How shall I have a son when no man has ever touched me?' The angel answered: Thus shall it be.44 Allah creates whatever He wills. When He decides something, He merely says: "Be" and it is.

(3:48) And He will teach him the Book, the Wisdom, the Torah, the Gospel,

(3:49) and he will be a Messenger to the Children of Israel.' (And when he came to them he said): 'I have come to you with a sign from your Lord. I will make for you from clay the likeness of a bird and then I will breathe into it and by the leave of Allah it will become a bird. I will also heal the blind and the leper, and by the leave of Allah bring the dead to life. I will also inform you of what things you eat and what you treasure up in your houses. Surely this is a sign for you if you are true believ-ers.45

(3:50) And I have come to confirm the truth of whatever there still remains of the Torah,46 and to make lawful to you some of the things which had been forbidden to you.47 have come to you with a sign from your Lord; so have fear of Allah and obey me.

(3:51) Surely, Allah is my Lord and your Lord; so serve Him alone. This is the straight way.'48

(3:52) And when Jesus perceived their leaning towards unbelief, he asked: 'Who will be my helpers in the way of Allah?' The disciples49 said: 'We are the helpers of Allah. We believe in Allah,50 and be our witness that we have submitted ourselves exclusively to Allah.

(3:53) Our Lord! We believe in the com-mandment You have revealed and we obey the Messenger; make us, then, one of those who bear witness (to the Truth).'

(3:54) Then they schemed (against the Messiah), and Allah countered their schemes by schemes of His own. Allah is the best of schemers.


43. They drew lots to decide who should be the guardian of Mary, whose mother had consecrated her to the service of God in the Temple. Since she was a girl, it was a delicate matter as to who from among the priests of the Temple would be the appropriate person to take care of her.

44. Thus it was affirmed that a child would be born to Mary despite the fact that no man had touched her. The angel's answer mentioned here, 'Thus shall it be', was exactly the same as the response given to Zechariah. Both the following sentences and the preceding section support the view that the angel had conveyed to Mary the glad tidings that a son would be born to her without normal sexual contact, and it was thus that Jesus was born. For, if Mary's child was to be born to her in the usual manner in which children are born to women, and if the birth of Jesus did take place in the normal way, the entire narrative from (verse 35 )of this surah to (verse 63) would have to be declared absurd.

Indeed, one would be forced to treat as meaningless all those statements about the birth of Jesus which are found scattered elsewhere in the Qur'an. The Christians had begun to regard Jesus as God and the son of God because of this fatherless birth. The Jews, in turn, cast aspersions on Mary's chastity on the grounds that she had given birth to a child despite being unmarried. If the fatherless birth of Jesus was itself false, it would have been sufficient to tell the Christians that they were indulging in sheer mis-statement, that Mary had indeed been married, that she had a legitimate husband, and that it was as a result of that wedlock that Jesus was born. If this fact could have been stated plainly, there would have been no need for long preparatory statements and complicated propositions, and no need to call Jesus the son of Mary instead of naming his father. For far from resolving the issue such statements add to the confusion. Those who believe the Qur'an to be the word or command from God and yet try to prove that the birth of Jesus took place in the normal manner, as a result of union between his father and mother, end up by proving only that God is less capable of clear expression than they are!

45. It is hinted here that these signs are sufficient proof that Jesus was designated by God, the Creator and Sovereign of the universe, provided people are prepared to accept the truth instead of obstinately clinging to their prejudiced views. This is further proof that Jesus had been entrusted with a mission by God. Had he not been designated by God but by an imposter he would surely have attempted to found an independent religion, exploiting his miracles to lead people away from their original faith. However, Jesus believed in, and confirmed, the validity of the teachings of the original religion which had been preached at God's behest by the earlier Prophets.

46. The fact that Jesus preached the same religion as that expounded earlier by Moses and the other Prophets is also borne out by the statements of the existing Gospels: According to Matthew, in his Sermon on the Mount the Messiah categorically declared: 'Think not that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets; I have come not to abolish them but to fulfil them' (Matthew 5: 17). And when a Jewish lawyer enquired: 'Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?', Jesus replied: 'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. And a second is like it, you shall love your neighbour as yourself. On these two commandments depends the law and the prophets' (ibid., 22: 37-40). He also instructed his disciples: The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses' seat, so practise and observe whatever they tell you, but not what they do; for they preach, but do not practise' (ibid., 23: 2-3).

47. What Jesus wanted to impress upon them was that he would abolish the prohibitive innovations which had infiltrated the original Divine Law (Shari'ah}. These were the results of the superstitions of their ignorant commoners, the legal hair-splitting of their lawyers, the extremism of their world-renouncing pietists, and the ascendancy and predominance of non-Muslim peoples over them. In determining what is lawful and unlawful, Jesus would be guided by the injunctions of God and not by the inventions of human beings.

48. This shows that as with the other Prophets, the fundamental points of Jesus' mission were the following: (1) Man should acknowledge- the exclusive sovereignty of God which demands absolute service and obedience to Him, and Him alone. This principle serves as the basis for the entire structure of human morality and social behaviour. (2) Man should obey the Prophets since they are the representatives of the true Sovereign. (3) The Law which should regulate man's conduct by elaborating what is right and what is wrong should be none other than the Law of God. The laws devised by others should be abrogated. There is, thus, no difference between the missions of Jesus, Moses and Muhammad (peace be on them all). Those who think that the missions of the Prophets differ from one another and who believe that their objectives vary have fallen into serious error. Whoever is sent by the Lord of the Universe to His creatures can have no other purpose than to dissuade God's subjects from disobeying Him and assuming an attitude of vanity and disregard towards Him, and to admonish them against associating anyone with God in His divinity (that is, either holding anyone to be a partner with the Lord of the Universe in His Sovereignty or recognizing others beside God as having a rightful claim on part of man's loyalty, devotion and worship), and to invite them all to be loyal to, and to serve, obey and worship God alone.

It is unfortunate that the Gospels in their present form do not offer as clear a picture of the mission of Jesus as that presented by the Qur'an. Nevertheless, we find scattered throughout the Gospels all the three fundamentals mentioned above. The notion that man ought to submit himself totally to God is embodied in the following statement: 'You shall worship the Lord your God and Him only shall you serve' (Matthew 4: 10).

In addition, Jesus believed that the object of his efforts was that God's commands relating to the moral realm should be obeyed in this world in the sphere of human conduct just as His commands about the operation of the physical universe are obeyed in the heavens: 'Thy kingdom come,

Thy will be done,

On earth as it is in heaven' (ibid., 6: 10).

The fact that Jesus presented himself as a Prophet and a representative of the Kingdom of Heaven, and that in this capacity he asked people to follow him is borne out by several statements. When, for instance, he began his mission in Nazareth and when his own kith, kin and compatriots turned against him, he remarked: 'A prophet is not without honour except in his own country . . .' (Matthew 13: 57; see also Luke 4: 24 and Mark 6: 4). And when conspiracies were hatched in Jerusalem to put an end to his life, and people counselled him to go away, he replied: 'Nevertheless I must go on my way . . . for it cannot be that a prophet should perish away from Jerusalem' (Luke 13: 33). When Jesus entered Jerusalem for the last time the disciples cried with a loud voice: 'Blessed be the King who comes in the name of the Lord' (Luke 19: 38). This angered the Pharisees, who asked Jesus to rebuke his disciples. But he replied: 'I tell you, if these were silent the very stones would cry out' (ibid., 19: 40). On another occasion he said: 'Come to me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light' (Matthew 11: 28-30).

The fact that he invited people to obey the Laws of God rather than the laws made by man is evident from his response (found in both Matthew and Mark) to the objection raised by the Pharisees to the conduct of their disciples who ate with defiled hands, that is, without washing. 'Well did Isiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written:

This people honours me with their lips,

but their heart is far from me;

in vain do they worship me,

teaching as doctrines the precepts of men.'

And he said to them: 'You have a fine way of rejecting the commandment of God in order to keep your tradition. For Moses said, "Honour your father and your mother", and "He who speaks evil of his father or mother, let him surely die", but you say, "If a man tells his father or mother what you would have gained from me is Corban (that is, given to God), and then you no longer permit him to do anything for his father or mother, thus making void the word of God through your tradition which you hand on"' (Mark 7: 6-13; see also Matthew 15: 2-9).

49. The word hawari means approximately the same as the word ansar in the Islamic tradition. In the Bible the usual terms are 'apostles' and 'disciples'. Jesus' chosen disciples were called apostles in the sense that they had been entrusted with a mission by him rather than in the sense of having been entrusted with a mission by God.

50. At various places the Qur'an characterizes man's participation in the effort to establish the supremacy of Islam as 'helping God'. This needs a little explanation. God has endowed man with the freedom of will and choice, with the result that He does not resort to His omnipotent will to compel man either to do certain things or to refrain from others. He rather leaves man free to adopt the course that pleases him - be it that of either belief or unbelief, of either obedience or disobedience. God prefers to instruct man by means of persuasive argument and admonition, so as to bring home to him that even though he is free to disbelieve, disobey and defy the Will of God, his own interest and well-being lie in serving and obeying his Creator.

Hence, directing people to the right path by persuasion and admonition is of concern to God, He regards those who contribute to this cause as His allies and helpers. This is, in fact, the most exalted position attainable by man. When a man performs Prayers, keeps his fast and worships God in other ways, he is merely on the level of service and subjection to God. But when a man strives to spread God's true religion and to enthrone it in actual life, he is honoured with the status of God's ally and helper, which is the zenith of man's spiritual growth. 'Literally, 'and be our witness that we are Muslims' - Ed.