Towards Understanding the Quran
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Tafsirs: Maarif | Dawat | Ishraq | Clear
Surah Al-An'am 6:130-140   Chapters ↕   Word for Word
Verses [Section]: 1-10[1], 11-20 [2], 21-30 [3], 31-40 [4], 41-50 [5], 51-55 [6], 56-60 [7], 61-70 [8], 71-82 [9], 83-90 [10], 91-94 [11], 95-100 [12], 101-110 [13], 111-121 [14], 122-129 [15], 130-140 [16], 141-144 [17], 145-150 [18], 151-154 [19], 155-165 [20]
یٰمَعْشَرَO assemblyالْجِنِّ(of) [the] jinnوَ الْاِنْسِand [the] menاَلَمْDid (there) notیَاْتِكُمْcome to youرُسُلٌMessengersمِّنْكُمْfrom (among) youیَقُصُّوْنَrelatingعَلَیْكُمْto youاٰیٰتِیْMy Versesوَ یُنْذِرُوْنَكُمْand warning youلِقَآءَ(of the) meetingیَوْمِكُمْ(of) your dayهٰذَا ؕthisقَالُوْاThey will sayشَهِدْنَاWe bear witnessعَلٰۤیagainstاَنْفُسِنَاourselvesوَ غَرَّتْهُمُAnd deluded themالْحَیٰوةُthe lifeالدُّنْیَا(of) the worldوَ شَهِدُوْاand they will bear witnessعَلٰۤیagainstاَنْفُسِهِمْthemselvesاَنَّهُمْthat theyكَانُوْاwereكٰفِرِیْنَ disbelievers ذٰلِكَThat (is because)اَنْ[that]لَّمْnotیَكُنْisرَّبُّكَyour Lordمُهْلِكَone who destroysالْقُرٰیthe citiesبِظُلْمٍfor their wrongdoingوَّ اَهْلُهَاwhile their peopleغٰفِلُوْنَ (are) unaware 6. Al-An'am Page 145وَ لِكُلٍّAnd for allدَرَجٰتٌ(will be) degreesمِّمَّاfor whatعَمِلُوْا ؕthey didوَ مَاAnd notرَبُّكَ(is) your Lordبِغَافِلٍunawareعَمَّاabout whatیَعْمَلُوْنَ they do وَ رَبُّكَAnd your Lordالْغَنِیُّ(is) the Self-Sufficientذُو(the) Possessorالرَّحْمَةِ ؕ(of) mercyاِنْIfیَّشَاْHe willsیُذْهِبْكُمْHe can take you awayوَ یَسْتَخْلِفْand grant successionمِنْۢfromبَعْدِكُمْafter youمَّا(to) whomیَشَآءُHe willsكَمَاۤasاَنْشَاَكُمْHe raised youمِّنْfromذُرِّیَّةِthe descendantsقَوْمٍ(of) peopleاٰخَرِیْنَؕother اِنَّIndeedمَاwhatتُوْعَدُوْنَyou are promisedلَاٰتٍ ۙ(is) sure to comeوَّ مَاۤAnd notاَنْتُمْ(can) youبِمُعْجِزِیْنَ escape (it) قُلْSayیٰقَوْمِO my peopleاعْمَلُوْاWorkعَلٰیonمَكَانَتِكُمْyour positionاِنِّیْIndeed, I amعَامِلٌ ۚa workerفَسَوْفَAnd soonتَعْلَمُوْنَ ۙyou will knowمَنْwhoتَكُوْنُwill haveلَهٗfor himselfعَاقِبَةُ(in) the endالدَّارِ ؕ(a good) homeاِنَّهٗIndeed [he]لَا(will) notیُفْلِحُsucceedالظّٰلِمُوْنَ the wrongdoers وَ جَعَلُوْاAnd they assignلِلّٰهِto Allahمِمَّاout of whatذَرَاَHe producedمِنَofالْحَرْثِthe cropsوَ الْاَنْعَامِand the cattleنَصِیْبًاa shareفَقَالُوْاand they sayهٰذَاThisلِلّٰهِ(is) for Allahبِزَعْمِهِمْby their claimوَ هٰذَاAnd thisلِشُرَكَآىِٕنَا ۚ(is) for our partnersفَمَاBut whatكَانَisلِشُرَكَآىِٕهِمْfor their partnersفَلَا(does) notیَصِلُreachاِلَی[to]اللّٰهِ ۚAllahوَ مَاwhile whatكَانَisلِلّٰهِfor Allahفَهُوَthen itیَصِلُreachesاِلٰی[to]شُرَكَآىِٕهِمْ ؕtheir partnersسَآءَEvilمَا(is) whatیَحْكُمُوْنَ they judge وَ كَذٰلِكَAnd likewiseزَیَّنَmade pleasingلِكَثِیْرٍto manyمِّنَofالْمُشْرِكِیْنَthe polytheistsقَتْلَ(the) killingاَوْلَادِهِمْ(of) their childrenشُرَكَآؤُهُمْtheir partnersلِیُرْدُوْهُمْso that they may ruin themوَ لِیَلْبِسُوْاand that they make confusingعَلَیْهِمْto themدِیْنَهُمْ ؕtheir religionوَ لَوْAnd ifشَآءَ(had) willedاللّٰهُAllahمَاnotفَعَلُوْهُ(would) they have done soفَذَرْهُمْSo leave themوَ مَاand whatیَفْتَرُوْنَ they invent 6. Al-An'am Page 146وَ قَالُوْاAnd they sayهٰذِهٖۤTheseاَنْعَامٌcattleوَّ حَرْثٌand cropsحِجْرٌ ۖۗ(are) forbiddenلَّاno (one)یَطْعَمُهَاۤcan eat themاِلَّاexceptمَنْwhomنَّشَآءُwe willبِزَعْمِهِمْby their claimوَ اَنْعَامٌAnd cattleحُرِّمَتْforbiddenظُهُوْرُهَا(are) their backsوَ اَنْعَامٌand cattleلَّاnotیَذْكُرُوْنَthey mentionاسْمَ(the) nameاللّٰهِ(of) Allahعَلَیْهَاon itافْتِرَآءً(as) an inventionعَلَیْهِ ؕagainst HimسَیَجْزِیْهِمْHe will recompense themبِمَاfor whatكَانُوْاthey used toیَفْتَرُوْنَ invent وَ قَالُوْاAnd they sayمَاWhatفِیْ(is) inبُطُوْنِ(the) wombsهٰذِهِ(of) theseالْاَنْعَامِcattleخَالِصَةٌ(is) exclusivelyلِّذُكُوْرِنَاfor our malesوَ مُحَرَّمٌand forbiddenعَلٰۤیonاَزْوَاجِنَا ۚour spousesوَ اِنْBut ifیَّكُنْisمَّیْتَةً(born) deadفَهُمْthen they (all)فِیْهِin itشُرَكَآءُ ؕ(are) partnersسَیَجْزِیْهِمْHe will recompense themوَصْفَهُمْ ؕ(for) their attributionاِنَّهٗIndeed, Heحَكِیْمٌ(is) All-Wiseعَلِیْمٌ All-Knowing قَدْCertainlyخَسِرَ(are) lostالَّذِیْنَthose whoقَتَلُوْۤاkilledاَوْلَادَهُمْtheir childrenسَفَهًۢا(in) foolishnessبِغَیْرِwithoutعِلْمٍknowledgeوَّ حَرَّمُوْاand forbidمَاwhatرَزَقَهُمُ(bas been) provided (to) themاللّٰهُ(by) Allahافْتِرَآءًinventing (lies)عَلَیagainstاللّٰهِ ؕAllahقَدْCertainlyضَلُّوْاthey have gone astrayوَ مَاand notكَانُوْاthey areمُهْتَدِیْنَ۠guided-ones


(6:130) (Then Allah will also ask them): 'O assembly of jinn and men! Did there not come to y ou Messengers from among yourselves, relating to you My signs, and warning you of the encounter of this your Day (of Judgement)?' They will say: 'Yes, we bear witness against ourselves.'98 They have been deluded by the life of this world, and they will bear witness against themselves that they had disbelieved.99

(6:131) (They will be made to bear this witness to show that) it is not the way of your Lord to destroy cities unjustly while their people were unaware of the Truth.100

(6:132) Everyone is assigned a degree according to his deed. Your Lord is not heedless of what they do.

(6:133) Your Lord is Self-Sufficient, full of compassion.101 If He wills, He can put you away and cause whomever He wills to succeed you just as He has produced you from the seed of another people.

(6:134) Surely what you have been promised shall come to pass;102 and you do not have the power to frustrate (Allah).

(6:135) Say (O Muhammad!): 'O people! Work in your place; and I too am at work. 103 Soon you will know in whose favour the ultimate decision will be. Surely the wrong-doers will not prosper.'

(6:136) They104 assign to Allah a portion out of the produce and cattle that He has created, saying out of their fancy: 'This is for Allah' - so they deem -'and this is for the associates (of Allah) whom we have contrived.'105 Then, the portion assigned to the beings whom they have set up as associates (of Allah) does not reach Allah, but the portion assigned to Allah reaches the beings they set up as associates (of Allah)! 106 Indeed evil is what they decide!

(6:137) And, likewise, the beings supposed to have a share in Allah's divinity have made the slaying of their offspring seem lawful to many of those who associate others with Allah in His divinity107 so that they may ruin them108 and confound them regarding their faith.109 If Allah had so willed, they would not have done that. Leave them alone to persist in their fabrication. 110

(6:138) They say: 'These animals and these crops are sacrosanct: none may eat of them save those whom we will' - imposing interdictions of their own contriving.111 And they declare that it is forbidden to burden the backs of certain cattle, and these are the cattle over which they do not pronounce the name of Allah. 112 All these are false fabrications against Allah,113 and He will soon requite them for all that they fabricate.

(6:139) And they say: 'What is within the bellies of such-and-such cattle is exclusively for our males and is forbidden to our females; but if it be born dead, they all may share in it.'114 He will soon requite them for all that they (falsely) attribute to Allah. He is All-Wise, All-Knowing.

(6:140) Those who slayed their children in folly, without knowledge,.and forbade the sustenance that Allah has provided them, falsely ascribing that to Allah, are utter losers; they have gone astray, and are certainly not among those guided to the right way.115


98. The wrong-doers would confess that even though the Prophets had come, in succession, in order to inform them of the Truth, it was their own fault that they did not respond to their call.

99. They were deniers of, and disbelievers in, rather than ignorant of the Truth. They acknowledged tha! the Truth had been conveyed to them and that they had refused to accept it.

100. God does not want His creatures to have any valid reason to complain that He had left them ignorant of the Right Way, and then convicted them of error. God has forestalled any such grievance by sending Prophets and revealing Holy Books to warn both jinn and human beings. If people continue to falter in spite of God's arrangements for their guidance, they themselves are to blame for the punishment they will receive, and they have no justification for blaming their misfortune on God.

101. The Qur'anic statement: 'Your Lord is Self-Sufficient' signifies that God is in need of nothing from anyone, that none of His interests will be jeopardized by disobedience to Him, and that no benefit will accrue to Him from obedience. Even if all human beings became disobedient, God's dominion will not shrink. Nor will His dominion expand if everybody were to become obedient and serve and worship Him as they ought to. God is dependent neither upon their show of veneration nor upon their offerings. He lavishes His limitless treasures on human beings and seeks nothing in return.

The other statement, namely that 'Your Lord is full of compassion', has been made here to emphasize two things. First, that when God urges human beings to follow the Right Way, and asks them not to do anything in conflict with Ultimate Reality, He does not do so because their good behaviour benefits Him or their misconduct harms Him. He does so because good conduct is beneficial to man himself, as evil conduct is harmful to him. Hence it is out of sheer benevolence that God urges man to develop righteous conduct, for it will raise him to great heights, and He urges him to avoid evil conduct because it will lead to his own degradation. Second, that God is not unduly stern in judging man. He gets no pleasure from punishing people. He is not on the look-out for slight lapses for which to convict and persecute people. God is highly compassionate towards all His creatures and governs with utmost mercy and benevolence, and the same characterizes His dealings with human beings as well. Hence, He constantly forgives the sins of people. Many disobey, indulge in sins, commit crimes, disregard God's commands, even though they are nourished by the sustenance He provides. God, nevertheless, continually treats them with forbearance and forgives them. Again and again, He grants them respite in order that they may take heed, understand things properly and reform themselves. Had He been excessively stern, He could even have obliterated them instantly and raised up another people. He could have put an end to humanity and brought into being an altogether different species of creation.

102. This refers to the Resurrection, when human beings of every epoch will be raised anew and made to stand before God for final judgement.

103. If people prefer to ignore the Prophet's admonition and do not recant their misconduct, they are at liberty to follow their chosen path, but they should let the Prophet (peace be on him) follow his. The ultimate results of their conduct will, in due time, become evident to all - to the Prophet (peace be on him) as well as to his opponents.

104. There now follows an elucidation of the 'ignorance' which those people-insistently clung to, and which they were not prepared to forsake. They are also told about that major 'wrong' which, if not abandoned, will bar their way to salvation.

105. They themselves acknowledged that the earth belongs to God, and that it is He Who causes the vegetation to grow. They also affirmed that God is the creator of the animals which were yoked to their service. They believed, however, that the grace of God for them was the outcome of the blessing and benediction of the angels, jinn, heavenly stars, spirits of their pious ancestors and so on, who cared for their well-being and were their patrons. They therefore used to make a two-fold division of their harvest and livestock offerings. One part was devoted to God in recognition of their gratitude to Him for having granted them farms and animals, while the rest was devoted to the household gods of either their family or tribes in order to ensure their continuing grace and benediction.

First, God censures them for this iniquity and asks them - since all those animals were created and had been granted to them by God alone - what justification there is for making offerings to others. Is it not sheer ingratitude to ascribe the acts of benevolence and grace of the true Benefactor to the intercession of others, and to associate them with God in thanksgiving? Second, they are censured indirectly for assigning quite an arbitrary share in their offerings to God, as if they themselves were the law-maker who could ascribe shares to God and others as they wished. To God alone belong all the bounties He has given man, and only His Law should therefore determine what part of those bounties should be offered to Him in thanksgiving and how the remaining should be spent. Hence even if they spend something in the way of Allah, for the poor and the deprived, but according to their own will, that does not deserve to be accepted by Him.

106. This is subtle sarcasm at the trickery to which the polytheists resorted while dividing the offerings between God and the partners whom they had set up with Him. By one device and another they increased the share of the false deities, which only showed that their heart lay with those sham partners of God rather than with Him.

It is instructive to recall those tricks. If, while they were apportioning God's share of cereals and fruits, anything belonging to His share fell out of its place, it used to be added to the portion earmarked for the share of God's partners. On the contrary, if any part of the, partners' share fell out or got mixed up with the portion earmarked for God, they were most careful to return it to where it belonged. Whenever they were criticized for this, they had a number of interesting apologies to offer. They said, for instance, that being the Creator, God is Self-Sufficient and hence He does not care if His portion is in some way reduced. As for the 'partners', they were not after all self-sufficient and would therefore take them to task for the slightest diminution in their share.

In order to grasp what lay at the root of these superstitions, it is essential to know that the portion which these ignorant people earmarked for God was devoted to helping the indigent, the poor, travellers, orphans and so on. On the other hand, the portion earmarked for offerings to the partners' actually went either directly to the coffers of the priestly class or was offered at the shrines and thus ultimately reached the priests and caretakers of those shrines. Over the course of centuries these selfish religious leaders had impressed upon those simple-minded people that there was no harm in God's share being reduced, but that of God's dear ones, far from being diminished, should be increased.

107. The word 'partners' is now used in a different sense. In this verse the word 'partners' denotes those human beings and devils who had legitimized infanticide and even represented it as a commendable act.

The reason for calling such people 'partners' is that just as God alone deserves to be worshipped, so He alone has the right to make laws for His creatures and to determine the limits of what is lawful and what is unlawful. Also, just as consecrating acts of devotion to anyone other than God amounts to setting up partners with Him, so to follow man-made laws in the belief that human beings have the right to be their own law-makers amounts to acknowledging others as partners of God. Both these acts amount to setting up partners with Him, irrespective of whether or not man applies the word 'God' to those before whom he makes ritual offerings, or to those whose laws he considers to be essentially right and binding for men.

It is pertinent to recall that three forms of infanticide were practised among the Arabs, and the Qur'an alludes to each: (1) Girls were put to death either to forestall the intrusion of a son-in-law, to prevent them from falling into the hands of enemies in the event of an outbreak of tribal feuding or to stop them from becoming a source of disgrace for any other reason. (2) Both male and female children were killed if parents thought they would not be able to support them and that they would thus become an unendurable burden. (3) Children of both sexes were placed as sacrificial offerings on the altars of the deities in order to gratify them.

108. The use of the word 'ruin' in this verse is significant. It denotes, in the first place, the moral ruination of a people. A man whose callousness and cruelty reach the point where he begins to kill his offspring with his own hands not only becomes bereft of the essence of humanity, but has sunk even lower than the animals. Moreover, this signifies the ruin of a people and of the human race. This is because infanticide necessarily leads to loss of population which is detrimental to the interests of mankind and also of each nation, since it prevents those who could have carried the legacy of a nation from either being born or puts an end to their lives after ,they are born. This rule also signifies the ultimate ruin, i.e. in the Hereafter. For indeed anyone who treats innocent children with such high-handedness, who cold-bloodedly slaughters the essence of his humanity, who acts so sordidly towards the human species as such, and even towards his own people, deserves severe punishment from God.

109. In the Jahiliyah, the Age of Ignorance, the Arabs both identified themselves with Abraham and Ishmael and were quite convinced that they were indeed followers of Abraham and Ishmael. They therefore considered their religion to be one that had been prescribed by God. The fact, however, was that over the course of centuries a number of innovations had overgrown the religion preached by Abraham and Ishmael. These innovations, which had been introduced by their religious leaders, the tribal chiefs and the elders of noted families, had become hallowed with the passage of time, and were considered an integral part of their original religion. No authentic traces of this original religion, however, existed in the Arab traditions, nor in written sources nor in historical records as such. Hence, when innovations made their inroads into their religious life, they failed to perceive both the innovations and the innovators. This rendered the entire religious tradition of the Arabs unauthentic in the sight of the people of Arabia themselves. They could not assert with conviction which elements were part of the original God-given religion, and which were mere innovations.

110. Had God not so willed, they could never have kept to their false ways. But God willed that everybody should be allowed to pursue his own choice. Hence, if people do not believe in spite of the Prophet's admonition, and persist in their false ways, they must be allowed to do as they please. One need not hound such people and pester them into accepting the Truth.

111. There was a practice among the people of Arabia whereby they used to consecrate certain animals and farms to certain shrines, and at offerings at certain altars. These consecrated offerings could not be used by everybody. An elaborate code laid down what kind of offering could be used by what kind of people. God not only judges such practices to be polytheistic, but also censures them as man-made innovations. God was the master of all that they had consecrated as offerings to the deities. He had neither encumbered human beings with the need to make any of those offerings and consecrations nor imposed those restrictions on what they might consume. These were the wilful inventions of headstrong and rebellious people who attributed to themselves the authority to make laws as they pleased.

112. Traditions indicate that there were certain ritual offerings, and that on certain occasions animals were consecrated for sacrifice at which it was deemed unlawful to pronounce the name of God. It was also prohibited to ride such animals during the Pilgrimage, since at that time the pilgrim pronounced the name of God when he recited the formula: Labbayk Allahumma Labbayk. Every care was taken not to pronounce the name of God at the time of milking, mounting, slaughtering and eating of such animals.

113. Even though those rules had not been laid down by God, people followed them under the false impression that they had been prescribed by Him. They could not adduce any injunction from God in support of such a belief, and all that they could claim was that it was an integral part of their ancestors' way of life.

114. One of the provisions of this self-contrived religious code of the Arabs was that the flesh of the young, born of the animals consecrated as offerings to the deities, might be eaten by males but not by females. Persons of both sexes were allowed to eat its flesh if it had died either a natural death or was dead at birth.

115. It is put to them plainly that even though such practices had been introduced by their forefathers, religious guides and outstanding leaders, the fact remained that those practices were inherently unsound. That those practices had come down from their ancestors and venerated elders did not necessarily legitimize them. These callous people had introduced such inhuman customs as infanticide, and, without any justification whatsoever, had prohibited to the creatures of God food and drink which He had created. They had also introduced many innovations themselves, making them part of their religion and ascribing them to God. How could such people be considered either to have attained salvation or to be rightlyguided? Even though venerated by them as their ancestors, they were nevertheless misguided and were destined to see the evil consequences of their misdeeds.