Towards Understanding the Quran
With kind permission of Islamic Foundation UK
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Tafsirs: Maarif | Dawat | Ishraq | Clear
Surah Al-An'am 6:83-90   Chapters ↕   Word for Word
Verses [Section]: 1-10[1], 11-20 [2], 21-30 [3], 31-40 [4], 41-50 [5], 51-55 [6], 56-60 [7], 61-70 [8], 71-82 [9], 83-90 [10], 91-94 [11], 95-100 [12], 101-110 [13], 111-121 [14], 122-129 [15], 130-140 [16], 141-144 [17], 145-150 [18], 151-154 [19], 155-165 [20]
وَ تِلْكَAnd thisحُجَّتُنَاۤ(is) Our argumentاٰتَیْنٰهَاۤWe gave itاِبْرٰهِیْمَ(to) Ibrahimعَلٰیagainstقَوْمِهٖ ؕhis peopleنَرْفَعُWe raiseدَرَجٰتٍ(by) degreesمَّنْwhomنَّشَآءُ ؕWe willاِنَّIndeedرَبَّكَyour Lordحَكِیْمٌ(is) All-Wiseعَلِیْمٌ All-Knowing وَ وَهَبْنَاAnd We bestowedلَهٗۤto himاِسْحٰقَIshaqوَ یَعْقُوْبَ ؕand Yaqubكُلًّاallهَدَیْنَا ۚWe guidedوَ نُوْحًاAnd NuhهَدَیْنَاWe guidedمِنْfromقَبْلُbeforeوَ مِنْand ofذُرِّیَّتِهٖhis descendentsدَاوٗدَDawoodوَ سُلَیْمٰنَand Sulaimanوَ اَیُّوْبَand Ayubوَ یُوْسُفَand Yusufوَ مُوْسٰیand Musaوَ هٰرُوْنَ ؕand Harunوَ كَذٰلِكَAnd thusنَجْزِیWe rewardالْمُحْسِنِیْنَۙthe good-doers وَ زَكَرِیَّاAnd Zakariyaوَ یَحْیٰیand Yahyaوَ عِیْسٰیand Isaوَ اِلْیَاسَ ؕand Ilyasكُلٌّall wereمِّنَofالصّٰلِحِیْنَۙthe righteous وَ اِسْمٰعِیْلَAnd Ismailوَ الْیَسَعَand Al-Yasaaوَ یُوْنُسَand Yunusوَ لُوْطًا ؕand Lutوَ كُلًّاand allفَضَّلْنَاWe preferredعَلَیoverالْعٰلَمِیْنَۙthe worlds وَ مِنْAnd fromاٰبَآىِٕهِمْtheir fathersوَ ذُرِّیّٰتِهِمْand their descendentsوَ اِخْوَانِهِمْ ۚand their brothersوَ اجْتَبَیْنٰهُمْand We chose themوَ هَدَیْنٰهُمْand We guided themاِلٰیtoصِرَاطٍa pathمُّسْتَقِیْمٍ straight ذٰلِكَThatهُدَی(is the) Guidanceاللّٰهِ(of) AllahیَهْدِیْHe guidesبِهٖwith itمَنْwhomیَّشَآءُHe willsمِنْofعِبَادِهٖ ؕHis slavesوَ لَوْBut ifاَشْرَكُوْاthey (had) associated partners (with Allah)لَحَبِطَsurely (would be) worthlessعَنْهُمْfor themمَّاwhatكَانُوْاthey used toیَعْمَلُوْنَ do اُولٰٓىِٕكَThoseالَّذِیْنَ(are) ones whomاٰتَیْنٰهُمُWe gave themالْكِتٰبَthe Bookوَ الْحُكْمَand the judgmentوَ النُّبُوَّةَ ۚand the ProphethoodفَاِنْBut ifیَّكْفُرْdisbelieveبِهَاin itهٰۤؤُلَآءِtheseفَقَدْthen indeedوَ كَّلْنَاWe have entrustedبِهَاitقَوْمًا(to) a peopleلَّیْسُوْاwho are notبِهَاthereinبِكٰفِرِیْنَ disbelievers اُولٰٓىِٕكَThoseالَّذِیْنَ(are) ones whomهَدَی(have been) guidedاللّٰهُ(by) Allahفَبِهُدٰىهُمُso of their guidanceاقْتَدِهْ ؕyou followقُلْSayلَّاۤNotاَسْـَٔلُكُمْI ask youعَلَیْهِfor itاَجْرًا ؕany rewardاِنْNotهُوَ(is) itاِلَّاbutذِكْرٰیa reminderلِلْعٰلَمِیْنَ۠for the worlds


(6:83) That was Our argument which We gave to Abraham against his people. We raise in ranks whom We will. Truly your lord is All-Wise, All-Knowing.

(6:84) And We bestowed upon Abraham (offspring) Ishaq (Isaac) and Ya'qub (Jacob) and each of them did We guide to the right way as We had earlier guided Noah to the right way; and (of his descendants We guided) Da'ud (David) and Sulayman (Solomon), Ayyub (Job), Yusuf (Joseph), Musa (Moses) and Harun (Aaron). Thus do We reward those who do good.

(6:85) (And of his descendants We guided) Zakariya (Zachariah), Yahya (John), Isa (Jesus) and Ilyas (Elias): each one of them was of the righteous.

(6:86) (And of his descendants We guided) Isma'il (Ishmael), al-Yasa' (Elisha), Yunus (Jonah), and Lut (Lot). And each one of them We favoured over all mankind.

(6:87) And likewise We elected for Our cause and guided on to a straight way some of their forefathers and their offspring and their brethren.

(6:88) That is Allah's guidance wherewith He guides those of His servants whom He wills. But if they ever associated others with Allah in His divinity, then all that they had done would have gone to waste.56

(6:89) Those are the ones to whom We gave the Book, and judgement and prophethood.57 And if they refuse to believe in it now, We will bestow this favour on a people who do believe in it.58

(6:90) (O Muhammad!) Those are the ones Allah guided to the right way. Follow, then, their way, and say: 'I ask of you no reward (for carrying on this mission); it is merely an admonition to all mankind.'


56. Had those people also ascribed partners to God like the people of Arabia, they would not have achieved the positions they had attained.Some might perhaps have earned places in the rogues' gallery of history as either ruthless conquerors or monuments to greed. But had they not shunned polytheism and adhered to their exclusive and unadulterated devotion to God, they would certainly neither have had the honour of becoming the source of light and guidance to others nor of assuming the leadership of the pious and the God-fearing.

57. Here the Prophets are mentioned as having been endowed with three things: first, the revealed guidance embodied in the Book; second, hukm, i.e. the correct understanding of the revealed guidance, the ability to apply its principles to the practical affairs of life, the God-given capacity to arrive at right opinions regarding human problems; and third, prophethood, the office by virtue of which they are enabled to lead human beings in the light of the guidance vouchsafed to them.

58. God does not care if the unbelievers and polytheists choose to reject the guidance which has come down from Him, for He had already raised a sizeable group of men of faith to truly appreciate its worth.