Tafsir Maariful Quran

Quran Translation and Commentary by Maulana Mufti Mohammad Shafi. Translation by Prof. Muhammad Hasan Askari & Prof. Muhammad Shamim. Revised by Justice Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani
Quran Translation
Word for Word by
Dr. Shehnaz Shaikh
& Kausar Khatri

1. Al-Fatihah
2. Al-Baqarah
3. Al-Imran
4. Al-Nisa
5. Al-Maidah
6. Al-Anam
7. Al-Araf
8. Al-Anfal
9. Al-Taubah
10. Yunus
11. Hud
12. Yusuf
13. Al-Rad
14. Ibrahim
15. Al-Hijr
16. Al-Nahl
17. Bani Israil
18. Al-Kahf
19. Maryam
20. Ta-Ha
21. Al-Anbiya
22. Al-Hajj
23. Al-Muminun
24. An-Nur
25. Al-Furqan
26. Ash-Shuara
27. An-Naml
28. Al-Qasas
29. Al-Ankabut
30. Ar-Rum
31. Luqman
32. As-Sajdah
33. Al-Ahzab
34. Saba
35. Fatir
36. Yasin
37. As-Saffat
38. Saad
39. Az-Zumar
40. Al-Mumin
41. Ha-Meem-As-Sajdah
42. AShura
43. Az-Zukhruf
44. Ad-Dukhan
45. Al-Jathiyah
46. Al-Ahqaf
47. Muhammad
48. Al-Fath
49. Al-Hujurat
50. Al-Qaf
51. Adh-Dhariyat
52. At-Tur
53. An-Najm
54. Al-Qamar
55. Al-Rahman
56. Al-Waqiah
57. Al-Hadid
58. Al-Mujadalah
59. Al-Hashr
60. Al-Mumtahinah
61. As-Saff
62. Al-Jumuah
63. Al-Munafiqun
64. Al-Taghabun
65. At-Talaq
66. At-Tahrim
67. Al-Mulk
68. Al-Qalam
69. Al-Haqqah
70. Al-Maarij
71. Nuh
72. Al-Jinn
73. Al-Muzzammil
74. Al-Muddhththir
75. Al-Qiyamah
76. Ad-Dahr
77. Al-Mursalat
78. An-Naba
79. An-Naziat
80. Abas
81. At-Takwir
82. Al-Infitar
83. At-Tatfif
84. Al-Inshiqaq
85. Al-Buruj
86. At-Tariq
87. Al-Ala
88. Al-Ghashiyah
89. Al-Fajr
90. Al-Balad
91. Ash-Shams
92. Al-Lail
93. Ad-Duha
94. Al-Inshirah
95. At-Tin
96. Al-Alaq
97. Al-Qadr
98. Al-Bayyinah
99. Az-Zilzal
100. Al-Adiyat
101. Al-Qariah
102. At-Takathur
103. Al-Asr
104. Al-Humazah
105. Al-Fil
106. Al-Quraish
107. Al-Maun
108. Al-Kauthar
109. Al-Kafirun
110. An-Nasr
111. Al-Lahab
112. Al-Ikhlas
113. Al-Falaq
114. An-Nas
Surah 25. Al-Furqan
Verses [Section]: 1-9[1], 10-20 [2], 21-34 [3], 35-44 [4], 45-60 [5], 61-77 [6]

Quran Text of Verse 45-60
اَلَمْDo you notتَرَseeاِلٰی[to]رَبِّكَyour LordكَیْفَhowمَدَّHe extendsالظِّلَّ ۚthe shadowوَ لَوْAnd ifشَآءَHe willedلَجَعَلَهٗsurely He (could) have made itسَاكِنًا ۚstationaryثُمَّThenجَعَلْنَاWe madeالشَّمْسَthe sunعَلَیْهِfor itدَلِیْلًاۙan indication ثُمَّThenقَبَضْنٰهُWe withdraw itاِلَیْنَاto Usقَبْضًاa withdrawalیَّسِیْرًا gradual وَ هُوَAnd Heالَّذِیْ(is) the One Whoجَعَلَmadeلَكُمُfor youالَّیْلَthe nightلِبَاسًا(as) a coveringوَّ النَّوْمَand the sleepسُبَاتًاa restوَّ جَعَلَand madeالنَّهَارَthe dayنُشُوْرًا a resurrection وَ هُوَAnd Heالَّذِیْۤ(is) the One Whoاَرْسَلَsendsالرِّیٰحَthe windsبُشْرًۢا(as) glad tidingsبَیْنَbeforeیَدَیْbeforeرَحْمَتِهٖ ۚHis Mercyوَ اَنْزَلْنَاand We send downمِنَfromالسَّمَآءِthe skyمَآءًwaterطَهُوْرًاۙpure لِّنُحْیِ َۧThat We may give lifeبِهٖtherebyبَلْدَةً(to) a landمَّیْتًاdeadوَّ نُسْقِیَهٗand We give drinkمِمَّاthereofخَلَقْنَاۤ(to those) We createdاَنْعَامًاcattleوَّ اَنَاسِیَّand menكَثِیْرًا many وَ لَقَدْAnd verilyصَرَّفْنٰهُWe have distributed itبَیْنَهُمْamong themلِیَذَّكَّرُوْا ۖؗthat they may rememberفَاَبٰۤیbut refuseاَكْثَرُmostالنَّاسِ(of) the peopleاِلَّاexceptكُفُوْرًا disbelief وَ لَوْAnd ifشِئْنَاWe willedلَبَعَثْنَاsurely We (would) have raisedفِیْinكُلِّeveryقَرْیَةٍtownنَّذِیْرًاؗۖa warner فَلَاSo (do) notتُطِعِobeyالْكٰفِرِیْنَthe disbelieversوَ جَاهِدْهُمْand strive (against) themبِهٖwith itجِهَادًاa strivingكَبِیْرًا great وَ هُوَAnd Heالَّذِیْ(is) the One Whoمَرَجَ(has) releasedالْبَحْرَیْنِthe two seasهٰذَا[this] (one)عَذْبٌpalatableفُرَاتٌand sweetوَّ هٰذَاand [this] (one)مِلْحٌsaltyاُجَاجٌ ۚ(and) bitterوَ جَعَلَand He has madeبَیْنَهُمَاbetween themبَرْزَخًاa barrierوَّ حِجْرًاand a partitionمَّحْجُوْرًا forbidden وَ هُوَAnd Heالَّذِیْ(is) the One Whoخَلَقَhas createdمِنَfromالْمَآءِthe waterبَشَرًاhuman beingفَجَعَلَهٗand has made (for) himنَسَبًاblood relationshipوَّ صِهْرًا ؕand marriage relationshipوَ كَانَAnd isرَبُّكَyour Lordقَدِیْرًا All-Powerful وَ یَعْبُدُوْنَBut they worshipمِنْbesides Allahدُوْنِbesides Allahاللّٰهِbesides Allahمَاwhatلَاnot profits themیَنْفَعُهُمْnot profits themوَ لَاand notیَضُرُّهُمْ ؕharms themوَ كَانَand isالْكَافِرُthe disbelieverعَلٰیagainstرَبِّهٖhis Lordظَهِیْرًا a helper 25. Al-Furqan Page 365وَ مَاۤAnd notاَرْسَلْنٰكَWe sent youاِلَّاexceptمُبَشِّرًا(as) a bearer of glad tidingsوَّ نَذِیْرًا and a warner قُلْSayمَاۤNotاَسْـَٔلُكُمْI ask (of) youعَلَیْهِfor itمِنْanyاَجْرٍpaymentاِلَّاexceptمَنْ(that) whoever willsشَآءَ(that) whoever willsاَنْtoیَّتَّخِذَtakeاِلٰیtoرَبِّهٖhis Lordسَبِیْلًا a way وَ تَوَكَّلْAnd put your trustعَلَیinالْحَیِّthe Ever-Livingالَّذِیْthe One Whoلَاdoes not dieیَمُوْتُdoes not dieوَ سَبِّحْand glorifyبِحَمْدِهٖ ؕwith His Praiseوَ كَفٰیAnd sufficient isبِهٖHeبِذُنُوْبِregarding the sinsعِبَادِهٖ(of) His slavesخَبِیْرَاAll-Aware لَّذِیْThe One Whoخَلَقَcreatedالسَّمٰوٰتِthe heavensوَ الْاَرْضَand the earthوَ مَاand whateverبَیْنَهُمَا(is) between themفِیْinسِتَّةِsixاَیَّامٍperiodsثُمَّthenاسْتَوٰیHe established Himselfعَلَیoverالْعَرْشِ ۛۚthe Throneاَلرَّحْمٰنُthe Most Graciousفَسْـَٔلْso askبِهٖHimخَبِیْرًا (as He is) All-Aware وَ اِذَاAnd whenقِیْلَit is saidلَهُمُto themاسْجُدُوْاProstrateلِلرَّحْمٰنِto the Most GraciousقَالُوْاThey sayوَ مَاAnd whatالرَّحْمٰنُ ۗ(is) the Most GraciousاَنَسْجُدُShould we prostrateلِمَاto whatتَاْمُرُنَاyou order usوَ زَادَهُمْAnd it increases themنُفُوْرًا۠۩(in) aversion
Translation of Verse 45-60

(25:45) Have you not observed how your Lord stretched out the shadow (of the sun)? If He so willed, He would have made it stand still. Then We made the sun an indicator for it

(25:46) Then We pulled it toward Us in a gradual manner

(25:47) He is the One who has made the night an apparel for you, and the sleep a means of rest, and has made the day a means of revival

(25:48) And He is the One who has sent the winds conveying good news before His mercy, and We have sent down purifying water from the heavens

(25:49) so that We revive a dead land therewith, and give drink to the many cattle and humans created by Us

(25:50) And We have distributed it (the water) among them, so that they may take lesson. Yet most of the people refused all but ungratefulness

(25:51) Had We so willed, We would have sent a (separate) warner for every town, (but, according to Our wisdom, We have sent Muhammad as a prophet for all these towns)

(25:52) So, (O Prophet,) do not obey the infidels, and strive against them with it (the Qur’ān), in utmost endeavor

(25:53) He is the One who joined the two seas, so as this is sweet, very sweet, and this is bitter, very bitter, and made between them a buffer and an insurmountable barrier

(25:54) And He is the One who created man from water, then made of him relations created by lineage and relations created by marriage. Your Lord is All-Powerful

(25:55) They worship, instead of Allah, what can neither give them any benefit nor can cause them any harm. The disbeliever is always a supporter (of Satan) against his Lord

(25:56) We did not send you but as a bearer of good news and as a warner

(25:57) Say, “I do not demand from you any return, except that one should adopt the (proper) way to his Lord, if he so wills

(25:58) And place your trust in the Ever-Living who cannot die, and proclaim His purity along with His praise. Enough is He to be aware of the sins of His servants

(25:59) the One who created in six days the heavens and the earth and whatever lies between them, then He positioned Himself on the Throne. (He is) the RaHmān (the All-Merciful, Allah). So ask about Him someone who knows

(25:60) And when it is said to them, “Prostrate yourselves to the RaHmān (the All-Merciful, Allah),” they say “What is RaHmān? Shall we prostrate ourselves to the one to whom you direct us?” And it increases nothing in them except aversion

Verse:45 Commentary

Relationship between causes and effects and their being subject to Allah's will

The above verses describe complete and total omnipotence of Allah Ta' ala and His bounties and favors showered on human kind. This also proves Oneness of Allah and that no one can share His right of worship.

أَلَمْ تَرَ‌ إِلَىٰ رَ‌بِّكَ كَيْفَ مَدَّ الظِّلَّ (Have you not turned your vision to your Lord, how He prolonged the shadow? - 25:45). Sunlight and shade are such blessings of God that without them it would not have been possible for mankind to survive and carry on its day to day functions. If there is sunlight all the time, it will create problems not only for humans but for all living things. On the other hand, if there is shade all the time, then also neither man nor other living creatures can survive. Allah Ta' ala has created these two blessings by His limitless power and made them beneficial for the mankind. At the same time Allah Ta' ala, through His infinite wisdom, has tied up all created things with specific causes in the sense that these things come into existence only when such causes are available, and if they are absent, these things do not exist. Similarly, if the causes are strong and available in abundance, the existence of their effects is also strong and abundant, and vice versa. Creation of crops and grass is dependent upon availability of land, water and air. Similarly, light is dependent on availability of the sun and the moon. Rain is dependent on clouds and air. Then there is such a strong bond between these causes and effects that it binds them together in such a way that there has not been the slightest deviation in the working of things even after the passage of centuries. For instance look at the solar system. This system has been working for centuries, yet there has not been the minutest change or deviation in its working, nor has there been a split of a second's difference in the movements of the entire system. Neither there is any change in the movements of the sun and the moon nor do they require any overhauling or repair work. They are moving along their orbits since the origin of the universe at a defined speed. One can calculate their movements with precision and predict their positions in advance for centuries.

This marvelous system of causes and effects was, in fact, a masterpiece of Allah's creation and a solid proof of His boundless power and infinite wisdom, but it was this firmness of the system which ultimately made people neglectful of Allah's power. When they perceived that all the 'effects' in this universe are linked with some visible causes, they confined their eyes to these visible causes only and started believing them to be the original creator of all these events. The real power of the Creator which was the original cause of all causes remained hidden behind the covers of visible causes only. The prophets are sent and the divine books are revealed to remind human beings that they must rise above this shortsightedness, and see behind the cover of these apparent causes and the omnipotence of their creator who is in fact running and controlling the whole system. This is the only way to discover the real truth about this universe. The verses under consideration are meant to point out to this reality.

In the verse أَلَمْ تَرَ‌ إِلَىٰ رَ‌بِّكَ كَيْفَ مَدَّ الظِّلَّ (Have you not turned your vision to your Lord, how He prolonged the shadow? - 25:45). People are reminded of the perfect solar system and the benefits people draw from it. It is a common experience to see the sun rising from the east when the shades are long. Then with the passage of time they are shortened and at noon become the shortest. Then again as the sun moves toward west the shades start lengthening and before the sunsets become the longest. In this whole process the entire humanity draws unlimited benefits from sunlight and its shades, and clearly realizes that there are the effects of the movements of the sun between East and West, but little attention is paid to the question as to who has created this sun and who has bound it to a well - planned system. Answer to this question cannot be found by one's eyes, but it can be perceived by the insight of heart and mind.

If He so willed, Allah would have made sunlight and shades stationary so that where there was sunlight it would have stayed as such, and where there was shade it would have remained such forever. Just think of the problems it would have brought about. But in His Wisdom He has not done so and instead created things which are beneficial and useful for humanity. The next verse وَلَوْ شَاءَ لَجَعَلَهُ سَاكِنًا (and if He so willed, He would have made it stand still - 45) means exactly that.

In order to explain the phenomenon of lengthening and shortening of shades, it is stated in the verse قَبَضْنَاهُ إِلَيْنَا قَبْضًا يَسِيرً‌ا (46) that is "We pulled it toward Us in a gradual manner." It is well known that Allah Ta' ala is beyond the purview of body or direction and hence there is no question of the shade being pulled toward Him. What it means is that shortening of the shades takes place by His Supreme Power.
Verse:46 Commentary
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Verse:47 Commentary
To work during day time and rest at night is based on great Wisdom

And He is the One who has made the night an apparel for you, and the sleep a means of rest and has made the day a means of revival. [ 47]

وَهُوَ الَّذِي جَعَلَ لَكُمُ اللَّيْلَ لِبَاسًا وَالنَّوْمَ سُبَاتًا وَجَعَلَ النَّهَارَ‌ نُشُورً‌ا

The night is referred as the apparel in this verse to describe that it covers up everything like a natural sheet as does the dress to human body. The word سُبَاتًا (subata) is derived from سَبت (sabt) which means to cut out. سُبَات is that thing which cuts out some other thing.

Allah Ta' ala has made the sleep to shed away the exhaustion and fatigue one develops after the daylong work. In sleep one is cut off with stress and strain of mind and body while they are rested. Hence the word سُبات is generally translated as rest, relaxation or tranquility. So the sense of the verse is that Allah Ta' ala has created the night as a covering to everything then imposed sleep on men and all living things, so that they rest and relax.

Here one needs to ponder over a few things. Everyone knows that sleep is a blessing and a source of relaxation. But it is human nature to sleep in darkness. It is very difficult to sleep in day light, and even if one goes off to sleep, one is awakened quickly. Conforming to human needs and nature Allah Ta' ala has made nights dark and cool, so that people can sleep and relax. Hence, night by itself is a blessing and sleep is another blessing. The third blessing is that the entire humanity and animals sleep at night instinctively. If the sleeping time of different people were different from one another, it would have created a number of problems. In such a situation some would have slept at one time and the others at some other, creating problems for one another, because when people are awake, they move about for various works and this movement; would have created noise to the annoyance and disturbance for those who were sleeping. Apart from this, people are dependent on each other in many ways and different times of their sleeping would have deprived them of helping each other in their works because working time of one would have been the time of rest for the other.

If human beings would have resorted to a social contract for uniting the times of rest and work for the whole world, it was not, at the first place, an easy task to make billions of people agree on a single resolution, then the implementation of such a contract would have required a lot of formal departments, and still there would have been room for violation of such a contract through corrupt means, as is observed in the contemporary forums. All such problems have been overcome by the creation of night and sleep by Allah Ta' ala which are greatly beneficial and necessary for human and other living beings. Allah Ta' ala has instilled in humans such an urge to sleep at night that one can keep awake only with great difficulty and effort. فَتَبَارَ‌كَ اللَّـهُ أَحْسَنُ الْخَالِقِينَ

Similarly in وَجَعَلَ النَّهَارَ‌ نُشُورً‌ا (and has made the day a means of revival - 25:47), the day is described as revival, because its opposite, that is sleep, is like death when one loses all his senses. Here again, to keep awake and attend to one's needs during the day time is made mandatory in human beings. If this was not so, some people would have attended to their work while others slept, and this would have caused all sorts of problems.

As in the case of sleep, Allah Ta' ala has bestowed a great blessing on human beings by creating its need at night. He has also made it part of human nature to keep awake and attend to work during day time, so that people should look after each other's needs. He has also fixed certain timings for certain desires and needs common in all human beings. For instance, all people feel hungry in the mornings and evenings and want to eat. So the eating times of all humans are common which is again a great blessing from Allah Ta' ala
Verse:48 Commentary
وَأَنزَلْنَا مِنَ السَّمَاءِ مَاءً طَهُورً‌ا (And We have sent down purifying water from the heavens - 25:48). In Arabic طَهُور (Tahur) means something which is pure by itself and which also purifies other things. Allah Ta' ala has given this quality to water that it is clean by itself and possesses the property to cleanse other things also. The water we use comes down from the clouds in the form of rain, hail or snow. Then some of it flows on the surface of the earth and the rest seeps down into the ground. Under the ground there is a natural drainage system which takes the underground water to every nook of the earth and then it reappears on the surface in the form of springs, fountains etc. Sometimes the underground water is drawn out by digging wells to reach it. All these waters i.e. that which falls in the form of rain, or that which flows on the surface of earth in the form of rivers, streams or canals, or that which is preserved underground are pure in Shari` ah and have inherent property of cleaning other things. There is consensus of opinion in ummah on this matter and it is the express purport of the Holy Qur'an and Sunnah.

When the water is in large quantity as in the case of a pond, pool or a canal, it remains pure even if something filthy has fallen in it. On this point also there is a general consensus, unless the effect of filth is perceptible and the colour, taste and smell of water changes. However, if the quantity of water is small and some filth drops in it, then there is a difference of opinion among the jurists (مُجتھدین) on the nature and quantity of filth as well as the quantity of water in which the filth falls. Details on this issue are described by Mazhari and Qurtubi in their commentaries and are also available in the books on Fiqh.
Verse:49 Commentary
وَنُسْقِيَهُ مِمَّا خَلَقْنَا أَنْعَامًا وَأَنَاسِيَّ كَثِيرً‌ا And give drink to the many cattle and humans We have created - 25:49). The word أَنَاسِيَّ is the plural of إنسِیّ and some linguistics have taken it as a plural of إنسَان (both the words mean 'human' ). This verse has described that the rain is a source of irrigation for land, while it serves as a drink for 'many cattle and humans'. The point worth consideration here is why the word 'many' is used which indicates that some human beings do not benefit from it. This question may be answered by saying that the reference here is to the cattle and human beings living in jungles and deserts who directly use the water of rain. As for the urban people, they normally use the water of wells and canals etc.
Verse:50 Commentary
وَلَقَدْ صَرَّ‌فْنَاهُ بَيْنَهُمْ (And We have distributed it (the water) among them - 25:50). The verse says that We keep rotating the rainfall, that is, it sometimes falls in one locality and sometimes in another. Then sometimes a locality receives in one year more rain and in subsequent years less. Sayyidna ` Abdullah Ibn ` Abbas ؓ says that the presumption of some people that the quantity of rains varies from year to year is not really correct. In fact the aggregate amount of water sent down to the world (at macro-level) is equal every year. However, according to Allah's will, its allocation for different territories may change from year to year. Sometimes the quantity of water is curtailed for a specific habitation as a punishment and warning for it, and sometimes the quantity of rain is increased for a particular population, again as a punishment for their misdeeds. Thus the water that was a blessing in its origin turns into a torment for the people who are ungrateful and disobedient.
Verse:51 Commentary
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Verse:52 Commentary
Jihad with Qur'an (its propagation) is great Jihad

وَجَاهِدْهُم بِهِ جِهَادًا كَبِيرً‌ا (And strive against them with it (the Qur'an) a great striving - 25:52). This is a Makkan verse when the injunction for Jihad, in the sense of fighting the infidels, had not been revealed. What is ordained in this verse is that you spread the message of Qur'an among the people at large. Propagation of Qur'anic message among people and to make them understand it is great Jihad whether it is by mouth, pen or any other means,
Verse:53 Commentary
وَهُوَ الَّذِي مَرَ‌جَ الْبَحْرَ‌يْنِ هَـٰذَا عَذْبٌ فُرَ‌اتٌ وَهَـٰذَا مِلْحٌ أُجَاجٌ وَجَعَلَ بَيْنَهُمَا بَرْ‌زَخًا وَحِجْرً‌ا مَّحْجُورً‌ا ﴿53﴾

And He is the One who joined the two seas - this is sweat, very sweat and this is bitter, very bitter - and made between them a buffer and a barrier, prohibited (to cross) - 25:53.

The word مَرَج (maraja) means to let off or allow to roam freely and hence pasture is called رَج (maraj) that is where animals can graze and roam about. عَذْبٌ ('adhb) is sweet water, while فُراَت means delicious and pleasant; and مِلح (milh) means salty and أُجَاجٌ means bitter.

Allah Ta' ala in His own Wisdom has created two types of waters. One is enormous in size called oceans and cover up about two third of the global space while the rest of the one third space is made up of land mass on which people live. The water of the oceans and seas is extremely brackish, bitter and of a bad taste. On the other hand the water found on land in different forms is potable, pleasant and tasty. This water is just right for the needs of mankind and animals alike who drink it and use it for cleaning. If the water of the seas and oceans were not brackish, it would have decayed very quickly leaving behind a pungent and foul odor making the life unbearable for humans and animals on land. Moreover, the creatures living in ocean and sea water, and number manifold than those living on land could not have survived because when they die, they perish in the brackish water. If they were to die in sweet water their decomposition would have contaminated the water making the survival of the marine life impossible and its stink would have been unbearable for the life on land. Then the garbage of the land is generally dumped in the sea where it is decomposed (except for a few modern age items which need special treatment). Therefore, brackish water of the oceans and seas is a great blessing of Allah Ta' ala for all creatures, whether living in the sea or on the land. Without the presence of brackish water mass, there would have been no marine or land life.

In this verse it is elucidated that it is a great blessing and grace of Allah Ta` a1a to have provided two types of waters in accordance with the needs of mankind. Then it is a perfect demonstration of His complete power that when a river of sweet water falls into the sea, the two waters .(the sweet and the brackish) do not mingle immediately where they meet, but for miles they remain separated from each other, despite the fact that there is no physical curtain between them. This is yet another example of His omnipotence.
Verse:54 Commentary
وَهُوَ الَّذِي خَلَقَ مِنَ الْمَاءِ بَشَرً‌ا فَجَعَلَهُ نَسَبًا وَصِهْرً‌ا (And He is the One who created man from water then made of him kinship of blood and kinship of in-laws. 25:54) نَسَب (nasab, translated above as 'kinship of blood' ) is that relationship which emanates from either parent, and صِهْر (sihr, translated above as 'kinship of in-laws' ) is that kinship which is drawn from the wife's side and is called in - laws. All these relations and bonds are Allah's graces given to mankind for a pleasant and tranquil life. If these relations are taken away from someone's life it will be impossible for him to live by himself.
Verse:55 Commentary
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Verse:56 Commentary
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Verse:57 Commentary
قُلْ مَا أَسْأَلُكُمْ عَلَيْهِ مِنْ أَجْرٍ‌ إِلَّا مَن شَاءَ أَن يَتَّخِذَ إِلَىٰ رَ‌بِّهِ سَبِيلًا ﴿57﴾

Say, "I do not demand from you any fee, except that whoever so wills, should adopt a way to his Lord - 25:57.

Allah Ta' ala advised the Holy Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم to say that he has no personal interest in inviting to accept and follow Allah's message in order to be profitable in this world and the Hereafter. He does not seek any reward from them for his efforts. His reward is only that they turn towards Allah. It is but obvious that if someone moves to the righteous path it is he who will be the gainer. As for the Holy Prophet , it was his love for the people that he was striving, and has considered the gain of the people as his own. It is just like an old father asks his children to eat and drink and be merry, and declares to them that their eating and drinking is a reward for himself. It is also possible that the correct attitude of the people is taken as a reward for the Holy Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم because he will also be rewarded if the people take up to right path. Some authentic traditions say that if someone asks people to take up the righteous path and they oblige, then not only those who have acted righteously will be rewarded for the good acts, but also the one who has persuaded them to follow the righteous path. (Mazhari)
Verse:58 Commentary
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Verse:59 Commentary
فَاسْأَلْ بِهِ خَبِيرً‌ا (So ask about Him someone who knows - 25:59). In this verse it is described that the creation of the earth and the skies, and then to place Himself on ` Arsh in consonance to His exalted position are all acts of Allah Ta' ala. If someone wants its confirmation, he should find out from those who know the truth. Here the allusion for knowledge is toward Allah Ta' ala or Jibra'il (علیہ السلام) . It is also possible that the reference is toward the scholars of the previous Books wherein the truth was also mentioned. (Mazhari)
Verse:60 Commentary
قَالُوا وَمَا الرَّ‌حْمَـٰنُ (60) The word رَّ‌حْمَـٰنُ (Rahman, translated as All-Merciful) is an Arabic word and all Arabs knew its meaning, but they did not use it for Allah Ta' ala. Hence they enquired who and what is Rahman (رَّ‌حْمَـٰنُ ).