Tafsir Maariful Quran
Quran Translation and Commentary by Maulana Mufti Mohammad Shafi. Translation by Prof. Muhammad Hasan Askari & Prof. Muhammad Shamim. Revised by Justice Mufti Muhammad Taqi UsmaniQuran Translation
Word for Word by
Dr. Shehnaz Shaikh
& Kausar Khatri
1. Al-Fatihah
2. Al-Baqarah
3. Al-Imran
4. Al-Nisa
5. Al-Maidah
6. Al-Anam
7. Al-Araf
8. Al-Anfal
9. Al-Taubah
10. Yunus
11. Hud
12. Yusuf
13. Al-Rad
14. Ibrahim
15. Al-Hijr
16. Al-Nahl
17. Bani Israil
18. Al-Kahf
19. Maryam
20. Ta-Ha
21. Al-Anbiya
22. Al-Hajj
23. Al-Muminun
24. An-Nur
25. Al-Furqan
26. Ash-Shuara
27. An-Naml
28. Al-Qasas
29. Al-Ankabut
30. Ar-Rum
31. Luqman
32. As-Sajdah
33. Al-Ahzab
34. Saba
35. Fatir
36. Yasin
37. As-Saffat
38. Saad
39. Az-Zumar
40. Al-Mumin
41. Ha-Meem-As-Sajdah
42. AShura
43. Az-Zukhruf
44. Ad-Dukhan
45. Al-Jathiyah
46. Al-Ahqaf
47. Muhammad
48. Al-Fath
49. Al-Hujurat
50. Al-Qaf
51. Adh-Dhariyat
52. At-Tur
53. An-Najm
54. Al-Qamar
55. Al-Rahman
56. Al-Waqiah
57. Al-Hadid
58. Al-Mujadalah
59. Al-Hashr
60. Al-Mumtahinah
61. As-Saff
62. Al-Jumuah
63. Al-Munafiqun
64. Al-Taghabun
65. At-Talaq
66. At-Tahrim
67. Al-Mulk
68. Al-Qalam
69. Al-Haqqah
70. Al-Maarij
71. Nuh
72. Al-Jinn
73. Al-Muzzammil
74. Al-Muddhththir
75. Al-Qiyamah
76. Ad-Dahr
77. Al-Mursalat
78. An-Naba
79. An-Naziat
80. Abas
81. At-Takwir
82. Al-Infitar
83. At-Tatfif
84. Al-Inshiqaq
85. Al-Buruj
86. At-Tariq
87. Al-Ala
88. Al-Ghashiyah
89. Al-Fajr
90. Al-Balad
91. Ash-Shams
92. Al-Lail
93. Ad-Duha
94. Al-Inshirah
95. At-Tin
96. Al-Alaq
97. Al-Qadr
98. Al-Bayyinah
99. Az-Zilzal
100. Al-Adiyat
101. Al-Qariah
102. At-Takathur
103. Al-Asr
104. Al-Humazah
105. Al-Fil
106. Al-Quraish
107. Al-Maun
108. Al-Kauthar
109. Al-Kafirun
110. An-Nasr
111. Al-Lahab
112. Al-Ikhlas
113. Al-Falaq
114. An-Nas
82. Al-Infitar Page 587 82. Al-Infitar بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْمِ اِذَا When السَّمَآءُ the sky انْفَطَرَتْۙ (is) cleft asunder وَ اِذَا And when الْكَوَاكِبُ the stars انْتَثَرَتْۙ scatter وَ اِذَا And when الْبِحَارُ the seas فُجِّرَتْۙ are made to gush forth وَ اِذَا And when الْقُبُوْرُ the graves بُعْثِرَتْۙ are overturned عَلِمَتْ Will know نَفْسٌ a soul مَّا what قَدَّمَتْ it has sent forth وَ اَخَّرَتْؕ and left behind یٰۤاَیُّهَا O الْاِنْسَانُ man! مَا What غَرَّكَ has deceived you بِرَبِّكَ concerning your Lord الْكَرِیْمِۙ the Most Noble الَّذِیْ Who خَلَقَكَ created you فَسَوّٰىكَ then fashioned you فَعَدَلَكَۙ then balanced you فِیْۤ In اَیِّ whatever صُوْرَةٍ form مَّا that شَآءَ He willed رَكَّبَكَؕ He assembled you كَلَّا Nay! بَلْ But تُكَذِّبُوْنَ you deny بِالدِّیْنِۙ the Judgment وَ اِنَّ And indeed عَلَیْكُمْ over you لَحٰفِظِیْنَۙ (are) surely guardians كِرَامًا Noble كَاتِبِیْنَۙ recording یَعْلَمُوْنَ They know مَا whatever تَفْعَلُوْنَ you do اِنَّ Indeed الْاَبْرَارَ the righteous لَفِیْ (will be) surely in نَعِیْمٍۚ bliss وَ اِنَّ And indeed الْفُجَّارَ the wicked لَفِیْ (will be) surely in جَحِیْمٍۚۖ Hellfire یَّصْلَوْنَهَا They will burn (in) it یَوْمَ (on the) Day الدِّیْنِ (of) the Judgment وَ مَا And not هُمْ they عَنْهَا from it بِغَآىِٕبِیْنَؕ (will be) absent وَ مَاۤ And what اَدْرٰىكَ can make you know مَا what یَوْمُ (is the) Day الدِّیْنِۙ (of) the Judgment ثُمَّ Then مَاۤ what اَدْرٰىكَ can make you know مَا what یَوْمُ (is the) Day الدِّیْنِؕ (of) the Judgment یَوْمَ (The) Day لَا not تَمْلِكُ will have power نَفْسٌ a soul لِّنَفْسٍ for a soul شَیْـًٔا ؕ anything وَ الْاَمْرُ and the Command یَوْمَىِٕذٍ that Day لِّلّٰهِ۠ (will be) with Allah
(82:1) When the sky will be cleft asunder
(82:2) and when the stars will disperse
(82:3) and when the seas will be burst forth
(82:4) and when the graves will be overturned
(82:5) then one will know what he sent ahead and what he left behind
(82:6) O man! What has deceived you about your Gracious Lord
(82:7) who created you, then perfected you, then brought you in due proportion
(82:8) He composed you in whichever form He willed
(82:9) Never! (i.e. one should never be heedless towards him.) But you deny the Requital
(82:10) while (appointed) over you there are watchers
(82:11) who are noble, writers (of the deeds)
(82:12) who know whatever you do
(82:13) Surely the righteous will be in bliss
(82:14) and the sinners in Hell
(82:15) in which they will enter on the Day of Requital
(82:16) and they will not (be able to) keep away from it
(82:17) And what may let you know what the Day of Requital is
(82:18) Again, what may let you know what the Day of Requital is
(82:19) A Day when no one will have power to do any thing for another! And command, on that Day, will belong to Allah (alone)
عَلِمَتْ نَفْسٌ مَّا قَدَّمَتْ وَأَخَّرَتْ (...then one will know what he sent ahead and what he left behind....82:5) In the preceding verses [ 1-4] of the Surah, Allah depicts the scene of the Day of Judgment that when the sky splits, the stars fall, the seas are poured forth [ i.e. the fresh and salt water bodies will merge to form one mass of water ] and the graves are overturned [ i.e. corpses will emerge from their graves ], every soul shall come to know what it had sent ahead and what it had left behind. The phrase 'what he sent ahead' means the good or evil act which he has done in his life; and the phrase 'what he left behind' means what he failed to do or refrained from doing. It is also possible that 'what he sent ahead' refers to the acts he has done himself, and 'what he left behind' refers to the acts one has not done himself, but he has laid down a custom in the society. The Holy Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم is reported to have said: "If anyone establishes a good tradition in Islam, he will have a reward for it and the equivalent of the rewards of those who act upon it after him, without theirs being diminished in any respect; but he who establishes a bad custom in Islam will bear the responsibility of it and the responsibility of those who act upon it after him, without theirs being diminished in any respect." This subject was dealt with earlier under the following verse: يُنَبَّأُ الْإِنسَانُ يَوْمَئِذٍ بِمَا قَدَّمَ وَأَخَّرَ 'Man will be informed of what he sent ahead and what he left behind. [ 75:13] '
The verse further goes on to remind man of the inceptive stages of his creation. First, it says: خَلَقَكَ فَسَوَّاكَ (who created you, then perfected you...82:7). The sense is that not only did Allah create man, but He also perfected his creation and proportioned his body, limbs and organs. Every limb and organ is well placed. The body, height, length and breadth of every limb are kept in harmony, symmetry and balance. Any deviation from the symmetrical construction of the human body, the organs will become dysfunctional. Then the verse says: فَعَدَلَكَ (...then brought you in due proportion?...82:7). Man is granted such symmetry, harmony and balance that no other animal in the world is granted to that degree. Along with physical and physiological symmetry and harmony, he has been granted well-balanced disposition, despite the fact that man is made up of opposing humours - blood, phlegm, black bile and yellow bile. Some are hot and others are cold, and yet the perfect wisdom of Allah prepared a well-balanced disposition. Thereafter a third characteristic is mentioned as follows:
Having stated the creative acumen of the Great Creator, the verse states: يَا أَيُّهَا الْإِنسَانُ مَا غَرَّكَ بِرَبِّكَ الْكَرِيمِ (0 man! What has deceived you about your Gracious Lord,...82:6). Allah has endowed man with such natural faculties and abilities that every limb and every joint of his body was enough to remind him of His Creator, and to make him obedient. But he is lured away from his gracious Lord, has forgotten Him and disobeyed Him. The question is: How did he forget his Lord, how did he become heedless of Him, and how is he lured away from his Lord? On this occasion, the adjective karim (Gracious) used for the 'Lord' points to the answer. The reason for such an ungrateful attitude is that Allah is Gracious and does not punish man immediately after his committing a sin. Rather, his sustenance, welfare and well-being, and worldly comforts [ and pleasures ] are not curtailed. He misinterprets Allah's magnanimity, and thus falls into deception. If man were to think rationally, he would adopt a grateful attitude and obedient behaviour, rather than adopting an ungrateful attitude and impudent behaviour. Sayyidna Hasan Al-Basri (رح) says:
کم من مغرور تحت السّتر و ھو لا یشعر
'How many humans are there whose faults are put [ by Allah ] under cover, (i.e. He did not disgrace them), yet they do not appreciate (and are deluded by His grace.'
The verse informs us that each person, on the Day of Reckoning, will know what he has done, and what will be the consequences of his deeds. The present verse says that the righteous will be in perfect bliss, while the sinners will be in a Blazing Fire of Hell.
The Commentary on
Surah Al-Infitar
Ends here