The Clear Quran

Quran Translation and Commentary by Dr Mustafa Khattab

Quran Translation
Word for Word by
Dr. Shehnaz Shaikh
& Kausar Khatri

1. Al-Fatihah
2. Al-Baqarah
3. Al-Imran
4. Al-Nisa
5. Al-Maidah
6. Al-Anam
7. Al-Araf
8. Al-Anfal
9. Al-Taubah
10. Yunus
11. Hud
12. Yusuf
13. Al-Rad
14. Ibrahim
15. Al-Hijr
16. Al-Nahl
17. Bani Israil
18. Al-Kahf
19. Maryam
20. Ta-Ha
21. Al-Anbiya
22. Al-Hajj
23. Al-Muminun
24. An-Nur
25. Al-Furqan
26. Ash-Shuara
27. An-Naml
28. Al-Qasas
29. Al-Ankabut
30. Ar-Rum
31. Luqman
32. As-Sajdah
33. Al-Ahzab
34. Saba
35. Fatir
36. Yasin
37. As-Saffat
38. Saad
39. Az-Zumar
40. Al-Mumin
41. Ha-Meem-As-Sajdah
42. AShura
43. Az-Zukhruf
44. Ad-Dukhan
45. Al-Jathiyah
46. Al-Ahqaf
47. Muhammad
48. Al-Fath
49. Al-Hujurat
50. Al-Qaf
51. Adh-Dhariyat
52. At-Tur
53. An-Najm
54. Al-Qamar
55. Al-Rahman
56. Al-Waqiah
57. Al-Hadid
58. Al-Mujadalah
59. Al-Hashr
60. Al-Mumtahinah
61. As-Saff
62. Al-Jumuah
63. Al-Munafiqun
64. Al-Taghabun
65. At-Talaq
66. At-Tahrim
67. Al-Mulk
68. Al-Qalam
69. Al-Haqqah
70. Al-Maarij
71. Nuh
72. Al-Jinn
73. Al-Muzzammil
74. Al-Muddhththir
75. Al-Qiyamah
76. Ad-Dahr
77. Al-Mursalat
78. An-Naba
79. An-Naziat
80. Abas
81. At-Takwir
82. Al-Infitar
83. At-Tatfif
84. Al-Inshiqaq
85. Al-Buruj
86. At-Tariq
87. Al-Ala
88. Al-Ghashiyah
89. Al-Fajr
90. Al-Balad
91. Ash-Shams
92. Al-Lail
93. Ad-Duha
94. Al-Inshirah
95. At-Tin
96. Al-Alaq
97. Al-Qadr
98. Al-Bayyinah
99. Az-Zilzal
100. Al-Adiyat
101. Al-Qariah
102. At-Takathur
103. Al-Asr
104. Al-Humazah
105. Al-Fil
106. Al-Quraish
107. Al-Maun
108. Al-Kauthar
109. Al-Kafirun
110. An-Nasr
111. Al-Lahab
112. Al-Ikhlas
113. Al-Falaq
114. An-Nas
Surah 46. Al-Ahqaf
Verses [Section]: 1-10[1], 11-20 [2], 21-26 [3], 27-35 [4]

Quran Text of Verse 11-20
وَ قَالَAnd sayالَّذِیْنَthose whoكَفَرُوْاdisbelieveلِلَّذِیْنَof those whoاٰمَنُوْاbelieveلَوْIfكَانَit had beenخَیْرًاgoodمَّاnotسَبَقُوْنَاۤthey (would) have preceded usاِلَیْهِ ؕto itوَ اِذْAnd whenلَمْnotیَهْتَدُوْاthey (are) guidedبِهٖby itفَسَیَقُوْلُوْنَthey sayهٰذَاۤThisاِفْكٌ(is) a lieقَدِیْمٌ ancient وَ مِنْAnd before itقَبْلِهٖAnd before itكِتٰبُ(was the) Scriptureمُوْسٰۤی(of) Musaاِمَامًا(as) a guideوَّ رَحْمَةً ؕand a mercyوَ هٰذَاAnd thisكِتٰبٌ(is) a Bookمُّصَدِّقٌconfirmingلِّسَانًا(in) languageعَرَبِیًّاArabicلِّیُنْذِرَto warnالَّذِیْنَthose whoظَلَمُوْا ۖۗdo wrongوَ بُشْرٰیand (as) a glad tidingsلِلْمُحْسِنِیْنَۚfor the good-doers اِنَّIndeedالَّذِیْنَthose whoقَالُوْاsayرَبُّنَاOur Lordاللّٰهُ(is) Allahثُمَّthenاسْتَقَامُوْاremain firmفَلَاthen noخَوْفٌfearعَلَیْهِمْon themوَ لَاand norهُمْtheyیَحْزَنُوْنَۚwill grieve اُولٰٓىِٕكَThoseاَصْحٰبُ(are the) companionsالْجَنَّةِ(of) Paradiseخٰلِدِیْنَabiding foreverفِیْهَا ۚthereinجَزَآءًۢa rewardبِمَاfor whatكَانُوْاthey used (to)یَعْمَلُوْنَ do 46. Al-Ahqaf Page 504وَ وَصَّیْنَاAnd We have enjoinedالْاِنْسَانَ(on) manبِوَالِدَیْهِto his parentsاِحْسٰنًا ؕkindnessحَمَلَتْهُCarried himاُمُّهٗhis motherكُرْهًا(with) hardshipوَّ وَضَعَتْهُand gave birth to himكُرْهًا ؕ(with) hardshipوَ حَمْلُهٗAnd (the) bearing of himوَ فِصٰلُهٗand (the) weaning of himثَلٰثُوْنَ(is) thirtyشَهْرًا ؕmonth(s)حَتّٰۤیuntilاِذَاwhenبَلَغَhe reachesاَشُدَّهٗhis maturityوَ بَلَغَand reachesاَرْبَعِیْنَfortyسَنَةً ۙyear(s)قَالَhe saysرَبِّMy Lordاَوْزِعْنِیْۤgrant me (the) powerاَنْthatاَشْكُرَI may be gratefulنِعْمَتَكَ(for) Your favorالَّتِیْۤwhichاَنْعَمْتَYou have bestowedعَلَیَّupon meوَ عَلٰیand uponوَالِدَیَّmy parentsوَ اَنْand thatاَعْمَلَI doصَالِحًاrighteous (deeds)تَرْضٰىهُwhich please Youوَ اَصْلِحْand make righteousلِیْfor meفِیْamongذُرِّیَّتِیْ ؕۚmy offspringاِنِّیْindeedتُبْتُI turnاِلَیْكَto Youوَ اِنِّیْand indeed I amمِنَofالْمُسْلِمِیْنَ those who submit اُولٰٓىِٕكَThoseالَّذِیْنَ(are) the onesنَتَقَبَّلُWe will acceptعَنْهُمْfrom themاَحْسَنَ(the) bestمَا(of) whatعَمِلُوْاthey didوَ نَتَجَاوَزُand We will overlookعَنْfromسَیِّاٰتِهِمْtheir evil deedsفِیْۤamongاَصْحٰبِ(the) companionsالْجَنَّةِ ؕ(of) ParadiseوَعْدَA promiseالصِّدْقِtrueالَّذِیْwhichكَانُوْاthey wereیُوْعَدُوْنَ promised وَ الَّذِیْBut the one whoقَالَsaysلِوَالِدَیْهِto his parentsاُفٍّUffلَّكُمَاۤto both of youاَتَعِدٰنِنِیْۤDo you promise meاَنْthatاُخْرَجَI will be brought forthوَ قَدْand have already passed awayخَلَتِand have already passed awayالْقُرُوْنُthe generationsمِنْbefore meقَبْلِیْ ۚbefore meوَ هُمَاAnd they bothیَسْتَغِیْثٰنِseek helpاللّٰهَ(of) AllahوَیْلَكَWoe to youاٰمِنْ ۖۗBelieveاِنَّIndeedوَعْدَ(the) Promiseاللّٰهِ(of) Allahحَقٌّ ۖۚ(is) trueفَیَقُوْلُBut he saysمَاNotهٰذَاۤ(is) thisاِلَّاۤbutاَسَاطِیْرُ(the) storiesالْاَوَّلِیْنَ (of) the former (people) اُولٰٓىِٕكَThoseالَّذِیْنَ(are) the onesحَقَّ(has) proved trueعَلَیْهِمُagainst themالْقَوْلُthe wordفِیْۤamongاُمَمٍnationsقَدْ(that) already passed awayخَلَتْ(that) already passed awayمِنْbefore themقَبْلِهِمْbefore themمِّنَofالْجِنِّ(the) jinnوَ الْاِنْسِ ؕand the menاِنَّهُمْIndeed, theyكَانُوْاareخٰسِرِیْنَ (the) losers وَ لِكُلٍّAnd for allدَرَجٰتٌ(are) degreesمِّمَّاfor whatعَمِلُوْا ۚthey didوَ لِیُوَفِّیَهُمْand that He may fully compensate themاَعْمَالَهُمْ(for) their deedsوَ هُمْand theyلَاwill not be wrongedیُظْلَمُوْنَ will not be wronged وَ یَوْمَAnd (the) Dayیُعْرَضُwill be exposedالَّذِیْنَthose whoكَفَرُوْاdisbelievedعَلَیtoالنَّارِ ؕthe FireاَذْهَبْتُمْYou exhaustedطَیِّبٰتِكُمْyour good thingsفِیْinحَیَاتِكُمُyour lifeالدُّنْیَا(of) the worldوَ اسْتَمْتَعْتُمْand you took your pleasuresبِهَا ۚthereinفَالْیَوْمَSo todayتُجْزَوْنَyou will be recompensedعَذَابَ(with) a punishmentالْهُوْنِhumiliatingبِمَاbecauseكُنْتُمْyou wereتَسْتَكْبِرُوْنَarrogantفِیinالْاَرْضِthe earthبِغَیْرِwithoutالْحَقِّ[the] rightوَ بِمَاand becauseكُنْتُمْyou wereتَفْسُقُوْنَ۠defiantly disobedient
Translation of Verse 11-20

11. The disbelievers say of the believers, "Had it been ˹something˺ good, they 1032 would not have beaten us to it." Now since they reject its guidance, they will say, "˹This is˺ an ancient fabrication!"

12. And before this ˹Quran˺ the Book of Moses was ˹revealed as˺ a guide and mercy. And this Book is a confirmation, in the Arabic tongue, to warn those who do wrong, and as good news to those who do good.

13. Surely those who say, "Our Lord is Allah," and then remain steadfast-there will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve.

14. It is they who will be the residents of Paradise, staying there forever, as a reward for what they used to do.

15. We have commanded people to honour their parents. Their mothers bore them in hardship and delivered them in hardship. Their ˹period of˺ bearing and weaning is thirty months. In time, when the child reaches their prime at the age of forty, they pray, "My Lord! Inspire me to ˹always˺ be thankful for Your favours which You blessed me and my parents with, and to do good deeds that please You. And instil righteousness in my offspring. I truly repent to You, and I truly submit ˹to Your Will˺."

16. It is from these ˹people˺ that We will accept the good they did, and overlook their misdeeds-along with the residents of Paradise, ˹in fulfilment of˺ the true promise they have been given.

17. But some scold their parents, "Enough with you! Are you warning me that I will be brought forth ˹from the grave˺, while many generations had already perished before me ˹for good˺?" The parents cry to Allah for help, ˹and warn their child,˺ "Pity you. Have faith! Surely Allah's promise is true." But the deniers insist, "This is nothing but ancient fables."

18. These are the ones against whom the fate of earlier communities of jinn and humans has been justified, ˹for˺ they were truly losers.

19. Each ˹of the two groups˺ will be ranked according to what they have done so He may fully reward all. And none will be wronged.

20. ˹Watch for˺ the Day ˹when˺ the disbelievers will be exposed to the Fire. ˹They will be told,˺ "You ˹already˺ exhausted your ˹share of˺ pleasures during your worldly life, and ˹fully˺ enjoyed them. So Today you will be rewarded with the torment of disgrace for your arrogance throughout the land with no right, and for your rebelliousness."


1032. Poor and powerless Muslims.